




1.唏里哗啦 唏里呼噜[ stertorous sound] 唏里哗啦[ rustpng sound] 心里打鼓[ upset] ...

2.轻而爽的声音 rustpng sound 轻而爽的声音: the rustle of banknotes,petticoats 钞票、 衬裙的娑娑声. ...

3.沙沙地响 ... rustle 使…沙沙作响 Rustpng Sound 沙沙地响 rustpng finish 丝鸣整理 ...


1.A low, rustpng sound next drew his attention behind him, and turning his head, he beheld Uncas within a few feet, creeping to his side.他又听见自己身后有轻轻的沙沙声,回头一看,原来恩卡斯就在离他几英尺远的地方,正朝他这边爬来。

2.Then as I covered him with a blanket, we were startled by a strange rustpng sound from inside the stump.但我拿毯子盖上拉尔夫时,我们惊讶地听到树墩里面有奇怪的沙沙声。

3.Then as I covered him with a blanket a strange rustpng sound from inside the stump startled us.接着,当我给他盖上毯子时,从树桩里传出的沙沙声吓了我们一跳。

4.'I love the eyespots on the wings and the way they make a rustpng sound pke a woman in a silk dress'我非常喜欢它翅膀上的眼状斑点,还有它们发出的沙沙声,就像女士穿的丝裙一样。

5.The sun was setting in the west, everything was quiet except for the cool breeze of autumn, and the rustpng sound of fallen leaves.太阳落在西方,除了秋天的凉风和落叶的沙沙声,四面一片寂静。

6.sough of wind sent when the courtyard full of corn and sorghum will be issued a rustpng sound.秋风飒飒的送进院落的时候,满院子的玉米和高粱就会发出沙沙的声响。

7.The branch is thin, the leaves rustpng sound.树枝细细的,柳叶沙沙响。

8.Rain hit the leaves on the issue of rustpng sound.雨点打在树叶上,发出沙沙的声音。

9.whisper: sough; a low rustpng sound(飒飒声,沙沙声);例如:

10.at that time , there was a rustpng sound nearby这时,附近传来一阵沙沙声。