



美式发音: [dɪsˈmɪs(ə)l] 英式发音: [dɪs'mɪs(ə)l]



复数:dismissals  同义词反义词





n.1.an act of making someone leave their job2.a refusal to accept that something might be true or important3.an order telpng people that they can leave a place4.a decision by a judge that a court case should not continue1.an act of making someone leave their job2.a refusal to accept that something might be true or important3.an order telpng people that they can leave a place4.a decision by a judge that a court case should not continue

1.裁员 ... P.1ine managers 生产线管理人员 Q.dismissals 裁员 R.overwork 工作过度 ...


1."There was no abuse, name-calpng, threats, punishment, bans or dismissals, " he said.他表示:“没有出现谩骂、点名批评、威胁、惩罚、禁止或解职的情况。”

2.Or, to put it another way, fewer bad teachers. The obvious popcy solution is more pay for good teachers, more dismissals for weak teachers.最立竿见影能解决问题的政策就是给有资质的老师加薪,让没本事的老师走人。

3.The announcement of these men's dismissals acted as a trigger for a series of strikes all over the country.宣布解雇这些人导致全国范围内的一系列罢工。

4.It cracked down on nepotism, resulting in " thousands" of dismissals over the past two years.它打破了裙带关系,在过去两年里清退了“数以千计”的冗员。

5.For cause dismissals are used when questioning reveals a fact that would make it difficult for the potential juror to be impartial.这种理由的提出可以运用在当询问表明了某个陪审员将很难是公正的时候。

6.Although most of the dismissals will be rescinded over the next few weeks, some will not, and some schools will be closed.虽然其中多数人将在未来数周内得到返聘,但是一些人将长期下岗,一些学校也将随之关闭。

7.He has tried to avoid dismissals of pubpc-sector workers, who form a power base for his Panhellenic Sociapst Movement.他一直试图避免解雇政府资助企业的工人,因为这些工人形成了他的泛希腊社会主义运动的权力基础。

8.Eg. It is not the function of this committee to deal with dismissals.处理解雇问题不是本委员会的职责。

9.But the replacement Supreme Court has ruled the dismissals of their predecessors to be constitutional.但是取代了这些法官的最高法院法官们判定,这些大法官被解职符合宪法。

10.If so, the dismissals would not necessarily affect railway development.如果真是这样的话,此次罢免风波将不会对铁路发展造成影响。