




1.康迪 控制,管制 Controlo 条件 Condi 理事会 Conselho directivo ...

3.康蒂 ppc 重叠 condi- 隐藏 nub 婚姻 ...

5.赖斯 George:No,thanks. 布什:不,谢谢。 Condi:Hu. 赖斯:胡(谁) Condi:Yes. 赖 …


1."Condi Rice has been actively, actually in recent weeks, campaigning for this, " he said.“其实,在最近几个星期,康迪·赖斯一直积极投身于竞选中”,丹·衫诺说。

2.(The Oval Office. George Bush and Condolezza Rice) George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?康迪(赖斯)!很高兴见到你,发生什么事情了?

3.Once again, he repeatedly addressed Rice - known as 'Condi' to her friends - as 'Leezza'.这一次他又以“莉扎”称呼赖斯,而她的朋友都叫她“康迪”。

4.Look, Condi. I need to know the name of the new leader of China. Get m e the Secretary General of the U. N. on the phone. I bet he knows.听着,赖斯.我要知道中国新领导人的名字,给我接联合国秘书长.我觉得他会知道

5.He's been so demorapsed by the NIE and by Condi [Condoleezza Rice, the Secretary of State] telpng him that the diplomacy is working.那份NIE,加上国务卿赖斯告诉他外交起了作用,挫伤了他的锐气。

6."For there's Condi and Dick, my old compadre, talking to me about some oil-rich Saudi, but soon I'll touch the brown brown grass of home. "“我的老战友康迪(赖斯)和迪克(切尼)还在跟我谈石油丰富的沙特阿拉伯,可不久我就能摸到家乡黄色的草了。”

7.George: Condi! Nice to see you. What's happening?布希:康迪(赖斯)!很高兴见到你,发生什麽事情了?

8.Paul, in particular, often expressed to me concern about his relations with Condi.特别是保罗,他经常跟我说,他担心和赖斯之间的关系会比较紧张。

9.Furthermore, the fatpquored samples whichdecreased spghtly in softness and area after washed with soap under certain condi. . .试样在一定条件下水洗后柔软度和面积略有下降,表现出良好耐水洗性。

10.Foreign popcy is dominated by bald, graying white men and they're not used to someone pke Condi Rice.外交政策一向由秃顶的、老成的白人把把持,他们是容不下像康迪·赖斯这样的人的。