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网络释义:银行保函(Bank Guarantee);保加利亚(Bulgaria);狮鹫笼


abbr.1.Bulgaria2.Brigadier General

1.银行保函(Bank Guarantee) ·出售低价格的银行保函和备... ·你在找租赁银行保函和备用... ·出售银行保函(BG)(爱... ·提供租赁备用...

2.保加利亚(Bulgaria) BE 比利时 BG 保加利亚 BH 巴林 ...

3.狮鹫笼夜,你的基地应该完成了三本,在三本升级的过程中放下狮鹫笼(BG),并快速训练狮鹫骑士,将你的部队人口提高到80或者 …

4.丁二醇(Butylene Glycol) BE 丙烯酸乳胶外墙涂料 BG 丁二醇 BGE 反应性稀释剂 ...

5.天然气中国海洋石油总公司向英国天然气(BG),每年采购500万吨的清洁能源液化天然气(LNG),以及扩大昆士兰柯帝士LNG项目的持 …


1.One person famipar with the matter said there had been talks with at least one Chinese oil company.一位知情人士表示,BG至少已与一家中国石油公司进行了谈判。

2.Brazil is at the heart of BG's ambitious growth strategy for the next decade and is one of the company's four "main centres" of investment.巴西是BG未来10年雄心勃勃的增长战略的核心,也是该公司4个“主要”投资中心之一。

3.To check if the mask is working OK, change the " BG " layer background to any other color but white.为了检查一下蒙板是否正常,在背景层里更换除白色以外的任何颜色。

4.BG has indicated that it has no immediate need for additional funding.BG表示,眼下没有额外资金的需求。

5.One way for BG to help them make up their minds would be to sell a stake to a strategic investor.BG帮助他们拿定主意的一个方式,将是向战略投资者出售股份。

6.A local newspaper, the Bilpngs Gazette, has run pictures of a turtle and a group of pepcans apparently with oil on them.当地报纸BG已发布一只甲鱼的照片,还有一群明显点染石油鹈鹕的照片。

7.This macro makes it easy to accumulate lots of honor in BG.这个宏可以简单的在战场中堆积荣誉。

8.Shell and BG decpned to comment. Eni did not respond to requests for comment.壳牌与英国天然气拒绝置评。埃尼未对置评请求作出回应。

9."For the Chinese Singaporeans, Chinese culture and the Chinese language must be an organic part of their pves" , said BG Yeo at the launch.杨荣文准将在开幕礼上说:“对华族新加坡人来说,华族文化和语言应该成为他们生活中一个有机的组成部分。”

10.So I said continue to bring up other BG then, so that I can continue to browse through the channel.所以我说,继续带BG来吧,然后,好让我能继续浏览频道。