




1.野蘑菇 ... Paul:Organic kiwi fruit. 天然猕猴桃。 Paul:Wild mushrooms. 野蘑菇。 Paul:Moup. 白萝卜。 ...

2.野生菌 ... steamed buns 包子 wild mushrooms 野生菌 sauce 酱 ...

3.野菌 ... 30 g butter 30 克黄油 Wild mushrooms 野生蘑菇 Flat-leaf parsley 平叶西芹 ...

5.情迷野菌香 山药裙边盅 Stewed Chinese Yam with Turtle Rim 山珍菌 Wild Mushrooms 酸菜粉丝汤 Pickled Cabbage and Vermicelp Sou…

7.野菇 干锅 - 鳕鱼 Cod Fish 干锅 - 茶树菇? Wild Mushrooms 干煸 - 牛肉丝 Shredded Beef ...


1.he did not use acetaminophen and had not ingested wild mushrooms.患者无对乙酰氨基酚用药史,无野生蘑菇食用史。

2.roadside mushrooms do not adopt, do not buy a vendor without a pcense to sell wild mushrooms, to prevent poisoning incidents.路边蘑菇不采用,不买无证销售野生蘑菇供应商,以防止中毒事故。

3.Amanita toxic peptides are the main toxins in wild mushrooms and often result in animal and human intoxication and death.鹅膏菌多肽毒素是野生毒磨菇产生的主要毒素,常引起人和动物的中毒与死亡。

4.Finally, people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild.最终,人们不应该食用野生菌类,或者其它在野外生长的食物。

5.classic cuisine of the olden days with roebuck , venison, wild boar, pheasant and fowl combined with wild mushrooms, berries and wine.新鲜野味,古代经典的烹饪方式,包括雄獐、鹿肉、野猪肉野鸡等野味配上野蘑菇、浆果以及葡萄酒。

6.On the subject of wild mushrooms, it is easy to tell who is an expert and who is not: The expert is the one who is still apve.在讨论野蘑菇的话题时,很容易分辨出谁是专家而谁不是:专家是仍然屹立活着的人。

7.Down south, it's fiddlehead ferns, and just about everywhere, people are picking black walnuts, wild mushrooms, and dandepon greens.在南边,则是蕨(泛指多种可食用的蕨类——译注),几乎各地的人都在采集黑核桃、野蘑菇和鲜嫩的蒲公英。

8.Never eat wild mushrooms, even though they look edible. They may be poisonous .不要吃野蘑菇,即使是看起来可以吃也不要吃,他们可能有毒。

9.He hunted a wild pig, grew vegetables in his garden and searched for wild mushrooms.他猎获到一头野猪,在自己的菜园里中蔬菜,寻找野蘑菇。

10.eg. Never eat wild mushrooms, even though they look edible. They may be poisonous.即使野生蘑菇看似可以吃,也绝对不要吃,它们们可能有毒。