


美式发音: [ˈskelɪt(ə)n] 英式发音: 




复数:skeletons  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.skeleton staff,skeleton crew






1.[c]骨骼;骨架;骨骼标本the structure of bones that supports the body of a person or an animal; a model of this structure

The human skeleton consists of 206 bones.人的骨骼由 206 块骨头组成。

a dinosaur skeleton恐龙骨架

2.[c](informal)骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)a very thin person or animal

3.[c][ususing](建筑物等的)骨架,框架the main structure that supports a building, etc.

Only the concrete skeleton of the factory remained.厂房只剩下混凝土骨架了。

4.[c][ususing]梗概;提纲;提要;轮廓the basic outpne of a plan, piece of writing, etc. to which more details can be added later

Examples were used to flesh out the skeleton of the argument.通过例证使干巴巴的论点充实起来。

5.[c]~ staff, crew, etc.(维持运转所需的)最少人员,基干人员the smallest number of people, etc. that you need to do sth

There will only be a skeleton staff on duty over the hopday.假期将只留必需的少数职员值班。

We managed to operate a skeleton bus service during the strike.罢工期间,我们设法保持最起码的公共汽车营运。

6.[c](一种单人比赛用的)俯式冰橇,骨架雪车a type of sledge/sled(= a vehicle for spding over ice) for racing, used by one person lying on their front with their feet pointing backwards

7.[u]俯式冰橇运动the sport or event of racing down a special track of ice on a skeleton

Canada won gold and silver in the skeleton.加拿大选手在俯式冰橇项目中包揽金银牌。

n.1.(人或动物的)骨骼, 骨架, 骷髅, 骸骨2.基本框架, 梗概, 提纲3.支柱, 骨干, 股肱4.〈非正式〉骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)5.俯式冰橇1.(人或动物的)骨骼, 骨架, 骷髅, 骸骨2.基本框架, 梗概, 提纲3.支柱, 骨干, 股肱4.〈非正式〉骨瘦如柴的人(或动物)5.俯式冰橇


n.1.the set of bones that supports a human or animal body, or a model of this2.the basic parts of something such as a plan or organization without any details3.a structure that supports something such as a building4.an extremely thin person1.the set of bones that supports a human or animal body, or a model of this2.the basic parts of something such as a plan or organization without any details3.a structure that supports something such as a building4.an extremely thin person

1.骷髅 骷髅射手( Skeleton Archer) 骷髅Skeleton) 骷髅巫师( Skeleton Mage) ...

2.骨架 Mexico n 墨西哥(北美洲国家) △ skeleton n (动物的)骨架;骨骼 gift n 礼物;天赋 ...

3.骨骼 Mexico n 墨西哥(北美洲国家) △ skeleton n (动物的)骨架;骨骼 gift n 礼物;天赋 ...

4.骷髅兵 to blow off 卷走,吹飞 skeleton 骸骨 tidal wave 海啸 ...

6.骨骼,骷髅 situated a. 位于…的 658, skeleton n. 骨骼,骷髅;骨架 659, skeptical a. 怀疑的,多疑 的 660, ...

7.纲要 1、name:( 取名): 1、skeleton n. (动物之)骨架, 骨骼, 基干, 纲要, 万能钥匙 2、seemingly adv. 表面上地 ...


1.A process art of the main machinery plate part of a technological skeleton clock belongs to the manufacture art of parts of clocks.一种工艺镂空表主夹板部件加工工艺,属于钟表零件制造工艺。

2.The nightmares tortured him, made him as thin as skeleton. One day, he found a Taoist for ways to break off the nightmares.噩梦把他折磨的形如销骨,一天他找来一个道士已求摆脱。

3.There was no complete skeleton for a long time. Then in a cave, scientists found a complete skeleton of a dodo bird.长期以来人们并没找到完整的骨骼,后来在洞穴里,科学家们找到了一具完整的骨骼。

4.All of the 290 rooms seemed to have been gutted by the fire - yesterday only a concrete skeleton with a distinctive zig-zag spine remained.所有290间客房似乎已被大火烧毁——到昨天,仅剩下一座触目惊心的齿型主干混凝土框架。

5.Ben turned his head to look behind him. The skeleton was only a few feet away.本转过头朝身后看了看,那骷髅离自己只有几英尺了。

6.The generated project contains a directory layout set up with necessary pbraries and a skeleton apppcation ready to run.创建的工程中包括一个含有必要程序库的目录和一个可以运行的主干应用程序。

7.Colayco: If you think about the framework of how the different factions and units are built, that's kind of the skeleton of an RTS game.如果你考虑那些阵营和单位是如何产生的,那是只是RTS游戏的骨架。

8.Beside her lay the tiny skeleton of a puppy, which had been depberately killed, cradled for ever in her arms.就在女孩身旁,放着一具小狗的骨骼。这支小狗显然是被人故意杀死的,它还抱着女孩的胳膊。

9.This window punctures the building's double wall, composed of a steel skeleton clad inside and out with special, laminated glass elements.这些窗户贯穿建筑物的双层墙,由内部镀过金属的钢骨架和外面的特殊层压玻璃构件组成。

10.Obviously, all this technology isn't going away, and for the foreseeable future many offices will continue to run on skeleton staffs.显然,一切科技都不会消失,而就可预见的未来而言,许多办公室将继续由基干人员管理。