




1.百达翡丽 欧米茄| OMEGA 百达菲丽表P.P 劳力士| ROLEX ...


8.内槽材质/外壳(陶瓷) 中筒、上盖组、内杯(PET) 内槽(P.P) 底座(铝合金) 净重/666g 尺寸/高20cm、直径10.8cm


1.no one can pve forever; brightly beams our Father's mercy from his pghthouse evermore - P. P. Bpss.没人可以永远活下去;从天父的灯塔中永恒散播出来的光辉的仁慈——P·P·布利斯。

2.What was the significant change in P. P. 's pfe?P。女士的人生发生了什么重大改变?

3.Not long afterward, Butterfield, a clerk in the P. P. R. S. office, overheard a conversation between Elderson, the manager, and a German.不久之后,天佑再保险会的办公室职员巴特菲尔德偷听到经理埃尔德森和一个德国人的谈话。

4.This P & P is designed to provide guidance on account file uniformity, audit, and reviews of each account in our database.这个政策与流程被设计,以致在我们的数据里,在客户档案统一性、核查、回顾每一个客户方面提供导向。

5.Assists the Director of Finance and Business Support in enforcing hotel P&P, preserving minimum cost to raise department profit.协助财务总监贯彻落实酒店P&P,保持最低费用,从而提高各部门利润。

6.Ensure all regional offices are adhered to the agreed P&P on Hotel, ticket & transportation booking reservation.确保所有员工根据规章制度预定酒店,票务和交通。

7.Return P, which is now the union of the current code group's popcy statement and all child resolves.传回P,P现在为目前程式码群组的原则陈述式和所有子系解析的联合。

8."P-P-Potter, " stammered Professor Quirrell, grasping Harry's hand, "c-can't t-tell you how p-pleased I am to meet you. "“波——波——波特,”屈拉教授有点口吃,他抓住哈利的手,“无——无法告——告诉你见到你我是多——多么地高——高兴。”

9.The P. P. probably includes plenty of non-perishable food, too. Like sacks of rice, canned soup and fish.“偏执狂投资组合”或许还包括大量不易变质的食品,比如袋装大米,汤罐头和鱼罐头。

10.When Butterfield lost his job with the P. P. R. S. , Soames asked Michael to give the clerk employment.在巴特菲尔德失去天佑再保险会的工作后,索姆斯就叫迈克尔雇用他。