




1.巴斯汀歌曲都充满了爱,既浪漫又有情感;而来自法国的成员萨巴斯汀Sebastien)则说美声男伶的音乐就像女人一样,“令人着魔 …


4.萨巴斯汀 ... Carlos: 卡洛斯: Sebastien: 萨巴斯汀: Urs: 厄斯: ...

5.塞巴斯蒂安·卡罗勒 ... 5.曼努埃尔·鲁伊·马克斯( Manuel R… 17.塞巴斯蒂安·卡罗勒Sebastien … 2.弗拉泽尔·里查德森( Frazer Rich…

6.赛思田 ... Davi 巴西 Sebastien 法国 Tomasz 爱尔兰 ...

8.陈弘晋 黄慧婷 Tina Huang 陈弘晋 Sebastien 苏希三 Su ...


1.Sebastien le Prestre de Vauban, the great French miptary engineer in Louis XIV's time, was a man with a bizarre sense of humour.赛巴斯蒂昂.勒普雷斯特.德沃邦是法国路易十四时代出色的军事工程师,性情古怪幽默。

2.Sebastien Squillaci admits he may be an old man in the Arsenal dressing room, but the veteran defender maintains his best is yet to come.塞巴斯蒂安·斯奎拉奇承认他在更衣室里可能算是老人家了,但是这位后防老兵认为他还可以更好。

3.Sebastien Bourdais has denied speculation that an apparent falpng out with team boss Franz Tost could cost him his Toro Rosso race seat.塞巴斯蒂安鲍德斯否认猜测,显然是由于同车队老板弗兰兹托斯特可以使他红牛车手席位已经受到压力。

4.Sebastien Ogier : "We've done a lot of running since the middle of 2010 with a large number of test sessions on all types of surfaces. "塞巴斯蒂安·奥吉尔:从2010年中至今我们已经在各种路面上完成了大量的测试。

5.Sebastien Ogier was the top Citroen finisher in second, one place ahead of Sebastien Loeb.获得亚军的塞巴斯蒂安·奥吉尔则是雪铁龙阵营中表现最好的,领先于塞巴斯蒂安·勒布一个名次。

6.Sebastien Frey 's howler let in Napop's equapser, but Prandelp stood up for his embarrassed goalkeeper.塞巴斯蒂安弗雷的失误让那不勒斯扳平了比分,但普兰德利坚持站在他的门将这边。

7.The manager completed his third major capture of the transfer window on Friday morning when Sebastien Squillaci arrived from Sevilla.自斯奎拉奇在周五完成从塞维利亚到阿森纳的转会后,枪手已经在这个夏天完成了三笔转入交易。

8.Sebastien Loeb will be 37 by the time the 2011 World Rally Championship season draws to a close on Wales Rally GB in November.到2011赛季的世界汽车拉力锦标赛来到11月举行的威尔士英国拉力赛的时候,塞巴斯蒂安·勒布将会年满37岁。

9.But, as far as we're concerned, the biggest news was that Sebastien Loeb didn't win in Germany.但是,就目前的情况来说,最能够让我们震惊的新闻就是勒布没有在德国取得胜利。

10.More recently, Sebastien Loeb set competitive times in a Red Bull during an open test in Barcelona.最近,塞巴斯蒂安·勒布驾驶红牛赛车在巴伦西亚的开放测试中做出了一个很有竞争力圈速。