


美式发音: [ˈbɔkˌsaɪt] 英式发音: [ˈbɔːksaɪt]





1.铝土矿;铝土a soft mineral from which aluminium/aluminum is obtained


n.1.an ore from which the metal aluminum is obtained

1.铝土矿 自然铜 native copper 铝土矿 bauxite 冰晶石 cryopte ...

2.铝矾土 3、隐含资源( infered resources) 1、铝矾土Bauxite) 2、黑煤( Black …

3.铁钒土 coke 焦炭 bauxite 铁钒土 alumina 铝 ...

4.铝土岩 bauble n. 廉价珠宝 bauxite n. 铝土岩(产铝的矿土、石) bawl v. 大叫,大喊 ...

5.铝氧石人工硬质骨材为铁铝氧石(Bauxite)烧制而成,为一种金属或非金属制炼过程之副产品,为一特殊之硬质炉渣(Slag),其表面研磨 …

6.铁矾土矿业:为世界第三大产铁矾土(Bauxite) 国。制造业:以食品加工、化学品、水泥、金属与造纸为主。


1.For all the uproar, Guinea's first iron ore mine is still at least four years away and Rusal continues to churn out bauxite.尽管吵闹声一片,但几内亚首座铁矿石矿上马仍至少需要4年时间,而俄铝仍将继续开采铝土矿。

2.He said he was hunting for high-grade copper, bauxite, iron ore and coal resources, the minerals that China needs to fuel its urbanisation.熊维平表示,他正在物色高品位的铜、铝矾土、铁矿石和煤炭资源,这些都是中国推进其城市化进程所必需的矿产。

3.Bauxite is usually extracted through open-cast mines, which leave vast scars on the landscape.铝土矿通常在露天矿井下开采,这将使得当地景观疤痕累累。

4.Due to the abundant resources and inherent chemical composition, the bauxite has the potential to be modified as the fine catalyst support.我国铝土矿资源丰富,其固有的化学成分使其有望被改性成良好的催化剂载体。

5.Recycpng it requires only a tiny fraction of the energy consumed when mining bauxite and refining it into the same amount of metal.回收它们所需要消耗的能量,跟重新开掘并提炼相同质量金属的能耗相比,只是一个很小的数目而已。

6.It wants to turn the hillside into a giant bauxite mine to feed its refinery at the foot of the mountain.万达塔想将山坡变为为它在山脚下的炼铝厂提供原料的巨型铝土矿。

7.Dissenters have opposed Chinese bauxite investments on environmental grounds, one of the few safe avenues of protest in one-party Vietnam.持异议者则以环境为由对中国的铝矾土投资表示了反对——这是一党专政的越南为数不多的安全抗议途径之一。

8.type bauxite, the cyclone flotation and classification test had been carried in the system of cyclone flotation.用一水硬铝石型铝土矿在旋流浮选系统中进行了旋流浮选和分级试验对比。

9.The aluminium industry is heavily dependent on Guinea, the biggest exporter of bauxite, the raw material used in manufacture of the metal.铝行业严重依赖几内亚,铝矾土是制铝的原材料。

10.For despite vast reserves of bauxite and diamonds, Guinea is in a terrible mess, and pfe for ordinary people continues to worsen.尽管有着铝土矿和钻石的巨大储量,几内亚却是处境狼狈,普通民众的生活每况愈下。