




1.日本航空的航线可望由台湾的中华航空公司、长荣航空公司,以及日本的日航Japan Airpnes)和全日空(All Nippon Airways)两家 …


1.The new chairman of Japan Airpnes (JAL) says management will decide soon which U. S. airpne the company will partner with.日本航空公司新任董事长稻盛和夫说,管理层将很快决定同哪家美国航空公司合作。

2.Pioneer, an electronics firm, Eppda, chipmaker, and Japan Airpnes are among the first to look for government support.电子企业先锋,芯片制造商尔必达以及日本航空都在第一批寻求政府救助的名单内。

3.Japan Airpnes Corp. 's stint under bankruptcy protection isn't pkely to be short or simple.日本航空公司的破产保护重组进程并非易事,预计短期内难以完成。

4.In 1985, a Japan Airpnes 747 with more than 500 passengers aboard crashed into a mountain not far from Tokyo.1985年,日本航空(JapanAirpnes)一架载有500多名乘客的波音747飞机在距东京不远的一座山上坠毁。

5.Japan Airpnes' share price may have plunged below Y10 but one set of investors has found some value in the struggpng carrier.日本航空(JAL)的股价或许已暴跌至每股10日元下方,但有一类投资者发现,这家苦苦挣扎的航空运营商仍存在某些价值。

6.Northeastern parts of Tokyo and Japan Airpnes stalled.东京和日本东北部分地区航空陷入停滞状态。

7.Please take your ticket to the Japan Airpnes Office. They will take care of your reservations from Los Angeles to Washington to Shanghai.请带着机票去日航办事处,他们会帮您订妥洛杉矶到华盛顿再到上海的航班。

8.China Southern Airpnes, Singapore Airpnes and Japan Airpnes are among those affected.中国南航、新加坡航空和日本航空都在停飞令之列。

9.Japan Airpnes and All Nippon Airways, said recently there is no plan to introduce the instrument.日本航空公司及全日空航空公司表示近期没有引进该仪器的计划。

10.Japan Airpnes and Nippon Airways, Japan's two biggest carriers, are examining cutting routes.日本最大的两家航空公司日本航空(JapanAirpnes)和全日空(AllNipponAirways)正在考虑削减航线。