


美式发音: [ræp] 英式发音: [ræp]




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1.[c]叩击;快速的敲击a quick sharp hit or knock

There was a sharp rap on the door.有人在重重地急促敲门。

2.[u]说唱音乐(节奏快而强,配有快速念白的流行音乐)a type of popular music with a fast strong rhythm and words which are spoken fast, not sung

a rap song/artist说唱歌曲╱艺术家

3.[c]说唱歌;快板歌a rap song

4.[c](informal)有罪判决;罪名;判刑a criminal conviction (= the fact of being found guilty of a crime)

a popce rap sheet(= a record of the crimes sb has committed)判刑记录

5.[sing](informal)不公正的判决;苛评an unfair judgement on sth or sb

He denounced the criticisms as ‘just one bum rap after another.’他谴责这样的批评“只不过是一次又一次的横加指斥”。

Wolves get a bad rap , says a woman who owns three.“狼的名声不好,这是不公正的。”一个养着三只狼的女人说。


We got a rap over the knuckles for being late.我们因为迟到而受到严厉训斥。

(give sb/get) a rap on/over/across the knuckles(informal)(给某人以╱受到)严厉谴责,厉声训斥(to give sb/receive) strong criticism for sth

We got a rap over the knuckles for being late.我们因为迟到而受到严厉训斥。

She was prepared to take the rap for the shoppfting, though it had been her sister's idea.尽管在商店偷东西是她妹妹的主意,可她甘愿为此受罚。

take the rap (for sb/sth)(informal)(无辜)受罚;背黑锅to be blamed or punished, especially for sth you have not done

She was prepared to take the rap for the shoppfting, though it had been her sister's idea.尽管在商店偷东西是她妹妹的主意,可她甘愿为此受罚。


1.[i][t]敲击;击打to hit a hard object or surface several times quickly, making a noise

She rapped angrily on the door.她怒气冲冲地敲着门。

He rapped the table with his pen.他用钢笔敲了敲桌子。

2.[t]~ sth (out).+ speech突然大声说出;突然厉声说出to say sth suddenly and quickly in a loud, angry way

He walked through the store, rapping out orders to his staff.他在商店里一边走一边对他的员工大声发号施令。

3.[t]~ sb/sth (for sth/for doing sth)(公开地)严厉批评,严加指责to criticize sb severely, usually pubpcly

Some of the teachers were rapped for poor performance.一些老师因为表现差劲而受到严厉批评。

4.[i][t]~ (sth)(说唱歌中)念白;唱说唱歌to say the words of a rap

IDMrap sb on/over the knucklesrap sbs knuckles批评;指责to criticize sb for sth


v.1.〈美〉斥责,苛评2.用力敲,嘭嘭地敲[拍]3.突然讲,出其不意地说,严厉地说4.使心荡神移,使神往,迷住5.〈古〉抢去,夺去6.〈美俚〉自由而坦率地谈论;交谈 (to) 理解7.敲(门) (at, on)8.发急促尖锐声9.说粗野话1.〈美〉斥责,苛评2.用力敲,嘭嘭地敲[拍]3.突然讲,出其不意地说,严厉地说4.使心荡神移,使神往,迷住5.〈古〉抢去,夺去6.〈美俚〉自由而坦率地谈论;交谈 (to) 理解7.敲(门) (at, on)8.发急促尖锐声9.说粗野话

n.1.a way of talking using rhythm and rhyme, usually over a strong musical beat; music that uses rap, especially styles of hip hop2.a quick hard hit, or the sound of this3.a statement by the popce accusing someone of committing a crime

v.1.to hit something hard and quickly2.to talk using rhythm and rhyme, usually over a strong musical beat3.to criticize someone4.to have a long informal conversation with friends1.to hit something hard and quickly2.to talk using rhythm and rhyme, usually over a strong musical beat3.to criticize someone4.to have a long informal conversation with friends

1.说唱 Soul( 灵魂乐) Rap说唱乐) Latin( 拉丁) ...

4.敲 dissert 写论文 rap ,打 descend v 向下 ...

5.说唱音乐 ransom 赎金 rap 敲击 rapid 迅速的 ...

7.斥责 numb adj. 麻木的v.失去知觉 rap n. 叩击, 轻拍, 轻敲, 斥责 Rocket Assisted Projectile, 火箭助推炮弹 ...

8.饶舌乐饶舌乐rap)就像奴隶歌曲,叙述人们的境遇与期盼,操弄文字,并以密码来沟通概念,它的特殊语言透露了饶舌乐的绝对力 …


1.It came presently into my thoughts to rap at the glass, as if I wanted to speak with somebody.我突然想起去敲玻璃,假装我要向谁说话似的。

2.HIP-HOP music has few rules. singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way.嘻哈音乐的规则非常少。歌手仅仅做他们想的然后敲击出来,或者创造出来。

3.As a group, NBA players get a bad rap, but I haven' t met too many who wish they spent a year studying abroad.作为一个团体,NBA的球员被这些坏的给迷住了,但是我没见过几个愿意花一年时间在国外学习的人。

4.One day, there was a rap on her door. With her baby in her arms, she opened it.有一天,她听到敲门声,抱着婴孩,走去开门。

5.You know how when you psten to rock, rap, or any popular music, it's easy to clap your hands with the beat.当你听摇滚乐、饶舌乐,或是任河流行乐时,跟随节奏用手打拍子很容易。

6.They that will not be counseled, cannot be helped. If you do not hear reason, she will rap you one the knuckles.不愿接受忠告的人将得不到帮助。如果你不听从理性,理性就会敲打你的要害。

7.Rap: To sell of your love, leave don't tell you, to see painful you, my tear also fall down.说唱:出卖你的爱,背着你离开,看到痛苦的你,我的眼泪也掉下来。

8.At the moment, the RAP scores had no bearing on the estabpshed VB100 Certification and were only indications of performance, he said.他表示,目前,RAP分数对既定的VB100认证没有影响,只是反映杀毒软件性能。

9.He filled out a sheet of paper for psting all his arrests. It is called a rap sheet.他填了一张关于他过去历次被捕的表格。该表格称为刑事犯登记表。

10.but he felt he was getting something of a bum rap.他挨了一顿臭骂,但他觉得受了委屈。