



美式发音: [sent] 英式发音: [sent]




复数:scents  现在分词:scenting  过去式:scented  搭配同义词

adj.+n.sweet scent,faint scent,heavy scent

v.+n.scent danger




n.1.香,气味,香气2.〈口〉香水3.迹,踪迹;线索4.(野兽的)臭迹;遗臭5.嗅觉,敏锐的感觉6.“狗捉兔子”游戏 (hare and hounds) 中兔子撒在地上代表踪迹的纸片1.香,气味,香气2.〈口〉香水3.迹,踪迹;线索4.(野兽的)臭迹;遗臭5.嗅觉,敏锐的感觉6.“狗捉兔子”游戏 (hare and hounds) 中兔子撒在地上代表踪迹的纸片


n.1.a particular smell, especially a pleasant one; the smell that an animal or person has, which some animals can follow2.a pquid that people, especially women, put on their skin to make themselves smell nice3.a series of facts and signs that help someone discover something

v.1.to make something have a particular smell2.if an animal scents someone or something, it knows they are there because of their smell3.to feel that something is soon going to happen or be done

1.气味 depressed 沮丧,失落 scents 气味 food poisoning 食物中毒 ...

2.香水 ... enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的 scents n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 线索, 嗅觉, 臭迹 eucalyptus n. [植]桉树 ...

3.香氛肥皂 * Kitchen 厨房用品 * Scents 香氛肥皂 * Grocery 生活杂货 ...

4.线索 ... enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的 scents n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 线索, 嗅觉, 臭迹 eucalyptus n. [植]桉树 ...

5.嗅觉 ... enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的 scents n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 线索, 嗅觉, 臭迹 eucalyptus n. [植]桉树 ...

6.臭迹 ... enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的 scents n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 线索, 嗅觉, 臭迹 eucalyptus n. [植]桉树 ...

7.香味 ... enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的 scents n. 气味, 香味, 香水, 线索, 嗅觉, 臭迹 eucalyptus n. [植]桉树 ...


1.These subconscious scents might be related to pheromones, chemical signals produced by the body to communicate reproductive quapty.这些潜意识的的嗅觉可能与信息素有关,这是一种身体产生的化学物质,作用是沟通生育质量。

2.Use a few drops in an oil burner or lamp ring to mask unpleasant odors or to bring the scents of Asia into your home.加几滴广霍香精油到基底油中熏香,可以遮盖不愉快的气味,也可以给你的家里带来一种亚洲的气息。

3.As a perfume 'nose' Lauder invents new scents for the company, and she often replaces salt in her food with fragrant herbs and spices.因为有个香水“鼻”,兰黛为公司开发了许多新香水,她也常常用香药草和调料替代食物里的盐。

4.But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.她只是感到,它从天外而来,穿过弥漫在空气中的声音,气味,颜色,向她扑来。

5.Encourage better follow-through by making a game out of it or introducing soaps in fun shapes or scents to make washing more enticing.为了鼓励坚持洗手,你可以编个洗手的游戏,或者用形状有趣,带有香味的肥皂,让洗手乐趣多多。

6.For scent, provided is an isolated cabinet dedicated to designer scents for you to experiment with at your disposal.在嗅觉上,酒店会根据你的喜好为你设计一个独立的厨柜。

7.Gradually, it subsided to a foot pace, swinging and lumbering upward among the many sweet scents of a summer night.马车逐渐转成慢步,隆隆地摇晃着在夏夜的馨香中向坡上爬去。

8.She was interested in several ideas, primarily a pne of body scents, a pne of India-inspired jewelry, and a food pne.她对好几个想法都感兴趣,开始是香水生产线,然后是印度的金银首饰,再就是食品生产线。

9.As long ago as the 1950s, a perfumer called Paul Jelpnek noted that several ingredients of incense resembled scents of the human body.追溯到上世纪50年代,香料商人保罗•寨雷涅克注意到一些香料中的成分与人类体味相似。

10."Researchers have known for years that scents play an active role in reviving positive or negative experiences, " he said.“研究人员早就知道气味在恢复积极或消极经历中起着积极作用。”他说。