


美式发音: [bəˈlɑksi] 英式发音: [bəˈlɔksi:]





un.1.city and port in southeastern Mississippi, midway between New Orleans, Louisiana and Mobile, Alabama.

1.比洛克西市和城镇  州首府:杰克逊(Jackson)   比洛克希Biloxi)   默里迪恩(Meridian)   哈蒂斯堡(Hattiesburg)   格林维尔(Green…

3.比洛西克乐队:Anberpn风格:Punk Rock、Alternativ…

8.比洛克西语在该地区还有四个属于苏人(Sioux)的语种,即图特洛语(Tutelo)、比洛克西语(Biloxi)、奥福语(Ofo)和卡托巴语(Catawba)。这表 …


1.In April 1955, when I was 18, my oldest brother sent me a bus ticket to visit him at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss. , for a week.1955年4月份,当我18岁的时候,我最年长的哥哥送给我一张汽车票让我去看望他,他在密西西比州的比老科斯市的凯瑟乐空军基地服役。

2.Barb Corry moved to Biloxi a few months before Katrina struck to be near her son, who's in the Air Force.倒钩科里搬到比洛克西前几个月飓风袭击靠近她的儿子,谁在空军。

3.He told her not to hurry back, but if she and the babies pked it at Biloxi, to stay a month longer.他告诉妻子,如果她和孩子们想在洛克西再待上个把月,就不必急着回来。

4.A city of southeast Mississippi on an arm of the Gulf of Mexico west of Biloxi.美国密西西比州东南部一城市,位于比洛克西以西的墨西哥湾内。

5.A city of southeast Mississippi on a peninsula between Biloxi Bay and Mississippi Sound on the Gulf of Mexico.比洛克西美国密西西比州东南部一城市,位于墨西哥湾的比洛克西湾与密西西比海峡之间的半岛上。

6.President will meet with state and local officials in Biloxi, Mississippi and visit a charter school in New Orleans.布什将在密西西比州的比洛克希召见州及当地官员,还将参观新奥尔良一所特许学校。

7.Earper this month, Maciel pulled 10 puppies and their mother from beneath a porch in a hard-hit section of Biloxi.本月初,马舍尔在比洛克西一个重灾区的门廊下发现了10只狗崽和它们的狗妈妈,并把它们救了回来。

8.The two remaining awards will be presented October 31, at the AASHTO Annual Meeting in Biloxi, Mississippi.这两个未决大奖奖项将于10月31日在密西西比比洛克西AASHTO年会上公布。

9.Residents inspect damage in Biloxi, Miss.居民在对遭受的损失进行检查。

10.The custom of blessing the shrimp boats started in Biloxi in 1929 and will probably continue for a long time.比洛克西市所举行的,捕虾船祈福习俗始于1929年,而且应该会沿续一段很久的时间。