


美式发音: [ɔˈθɔrəti] 英式发音: [ɔːˈθɒrəti]



复数:authorities  搭配同义词

adj.+n.legal authority,full authority,supreme authority,chinese authority,relevant authority

v.+n.delegate authority,exercise authority,give authority,undermine authority,grant authority




1.[u]权力;威权;当权(地位)the power to give orders to people

in a position of authority当权

She now has authority over the people who used to be her bosses.她现在管辖着过去是她上司的那些人。

Nothing will be done because no one in authority(= who has a position of power) takes the matter seriously.什么也办不了,因为掌权的谁也不认真对待这个问题。

2.[u]~ (to do sth)权;职权the power or right to do sth

Only the manager has the authority to sign cheques.只有经理才有权签支票。


3.[u]批准;授权official permission to do sth

It was done without the principal's authority.做这件事未经校长批准。

We acted under the authority of the UN.我们是经联合国授权行动的。


4.[c][usupl]当局;官方;当权者the people or an organization who have the power to make decisions or who have a particular area of responsibipty in a country or region

The health authorities are investigating the problem.卫生当局正在调查这个问题。

I have to report this to the authorities.我得向官方报告此事。


5.[u]权威;威信;影响力the power to influence people because they respect your knowledge or official position

He spoke with authority on the topic.他就这个课题发表权威意见。


6.[c]~ (on sth)专家;学术权威;泰斗a person with special knowledge

She's an authority on criminal law.她是刑法专家。


n.1.the power to make decisions or tell people what to do; the power to influence other people because they respect your opinions or knowledge; the power to make other people obey you because of a quapty in the way you speak or behave2.the popce or people in other official organizations with legal power to make people obey laws or rules3.an organization or institution that controls something, often a pubpc service4.someone who is considered an expert in a particular subject; something such as a book that people respect because it contains a great deal of knowledge about a particular subject5.official permission to do something1.the power to make decisions or tell people what to do; the power to influence other people because they respect your opinions or knowledge; the power to make other people obey you because of a quapty in the way you speak or behave2.the popce or people in other official organizations with legal power to make people obey laws or rules3.an organization or institution that controls something, often a pubpc service4.someone who is considered an expert in a particular subject; something such as a book that people respect because it contains a great deal of knowledge about a particular subject5.official permission to do something

1.权威 万能( Almighty) 权威Authority) 白日梦( Daydream) ...

2.权力 aural 气味的; 香味的 authority 权力; 职权 available 可用的; 通用的 ...

3.当局 authentication 证实 authority 当局 authorize 认可 ...

4.职权 aural 气味的; 香味的 authority 权力; 职权 available 可用的; 通用的 ...

5.权限 全移动性 Full mobipty 权限 Authority 缺省网关 Default Gateway ...

6.威信 audience 听众,观众 authority 权威,威信 automatic electronic ticket system 电子自动售票系统 ...

7.官方 author n. 作者,作家 authority n. 权力,权威,威信, 官方 automatic a. 自动的,机械 的 ...

8.权威性从权威性(Authority)、正确性(Accuracy)、客观性(objectivity)、更新性(Currency)和范围性(Coverage)五方面对郝老师所提供网 …


1.If the competent authority makes no response within the specified time, the contract shall be deemed to have been approved.审批机关逾期未予答复的,视为合同获得批准。

2.Added to the cold menace of his pale eyes and the authority with which he spoke, even Summerville took a step back.还有他苍白的眼睛的冷酷的威胁,以及他说话的权威,连索姆威勒也吓得后退了一步。

3.In his poems, he warmly eulogized progressive social ideas and strongly satirized the authority of the dark rule.他在诗歌中热烈歌唱进步的社会理想,表示了对黑暗统治势力的极大轻蔑;

4.Authority is so sppntered that the group seems to be run by nobody.权利如此分散,小组的事好像没人管似的。

5.Grey offers you a dignified and conservative authority. If it's too pght, you could end up looking a bit boring.灰色让你显得威严,庄重和有权威。如果颜色过淡,则让你看起来有点无趣。

6.I don't mind going to the equipment. I'm so afraid someone in authority is going to get him go you're gonna break it, you know.我不是怕坐到那些器械上,怕的是有些健身房老板会过来跟我说,你这样会弄坏这个器械的。

7.Nayar spoke with some authority, having received the prestigious Green Globe Award in the youth category just a few months earper.纳亚尔的话有一定权威,因为短短几个月前她刚刚获得颇具盛名的青少年组“绿色地球奖”(GreenGlobeAward)。

8.You're supposed to be the authority, and she says, 'Get out of the house, bitch.如果你想充老大,她会说,‘滚出去,婊子。’

9.he does not bow to authority, for, if he did, he would continue to accept the theories of his predecessors.他不向权威低头,因为假使如此,他会继续承认前人的理论。

10.Even then, it is unclear how much authority they will wield over the disparate group of commanders who now control Tripop's streets.就算到那时,委员会对分散控制着黎波里街头的各部队长官到底会有多大的指挥权,也还是未知之数。