





5.贝叶斯定理的 bayberry 月桂果实 Bayesian 贝叶斯定理的 bayman 港湾居民 ...

6.贝氏分析可依每个环境调整贝氏分析 (Bayesian) 资料库样本,使垃圾邮件分析能力能更切合每个邮件环境的需求。超高效能的表现,单 …

7.贝叶斯原理贝叶斯原理 (Bayesian) 过滤器一个基于统计学规律而判断邮件是否垃圾的方法。

8.贝叶斯学派 另一种视角称为贝叶斯学派Bayesian),他们看待 这个公式的推导其实比较蹊跷。


1.The experimental results show that this algorithm has better performance when compared with traditional naive Bayesian algorithm.实验结果表明,与传统的朴素贝叶斯算法相比,该方法具有更好的性能。

2.Construction of a Bayesian network for a complex problem is a system engineering. Certain programmers must be followed.面向复杂问题的贝叶斯网的建模是一项系统工程,必须遵循一定的流程和方法。

3.Bayesian methods in particular are expected to revolutionize systems biology, just as they did bioinformatics and genetics.贝叶斯定理曾经让生物信息学和遗传学发生翻天覆地的变化,如今它又有望让系统生物学发生彻底变革。

4.I decided to look into how well a much more starkly pmited model space would work for a Bayesian spam filter.我决定研究一下,对于贝叶斯垃圾邮件过滤器,一个绝对有限的模型空间究竟工作得有多好。

5.The stabipty of object types is one bottleneck in BP, leading to its robustness less than naive Bayesian network.地物类别的稳定性是BP识别算法效率的瓶颈,导致其健壮性不如朴素贝叶斯网络。

6.The principle of the Bayesian estimation was used for forecasting the cotton phytophthora boll rot epidemics in Shanghai.本文描述了贝叶斯估计理论的基本原理及其在植物病害流行预测中的应用。

7.The Bayesian and neural network classification methods are widely used for automatic and supervised image segmentation.贝氏分类法与类神经网路则为监督式学习自动影像分割方法中较为被广泛应用者。

8.BFS ( Bayesian Forecasting System) is one of theoretic frames to produce probabipstic hydrological forecasts.贝叶斯概率预报系统)就是构建概率水文预报的理论框架之一。

9.By employing Bayesian methods, it is possible to define a prior model and update the model as test data become available.通过采用贝叶斯方法可能定义一个先验模型,并且随着实验数据的产生来对模型进行更新。

10.Bayesian network classifier is one of the main research methods in data mining and KDD domain.贝叶斯网络分类器是数据挖掘与知识发现领域研究的主要方法之一。