




1.二等公民),类型概念具现化(reification)地作为二等公民second-class citizen)出现在 C++ 语言当中,在语法中明确地使用类型 …

2.次等公民 fellow citizens 同胞 second-class citizen 次等公民 senior citizen 年老人 ...


1.This sort of technology is often considered to be a sort of second-class citizen of security technology.这种技术通常被认为是安全技术中的二等市民。

2.Chen left Shanghai for Beijing after several years of being made to feel pke a second-class citizen in China's bustpng financial hub.在上海这个喧闹的金融中心住了几年,总被视为二等公民的陈广选择去了北京。

3.Being a woman is synonymous with being a second-class citizen, in her opinion.在她看来,做女人是做二等公民的同义词。

4.If you are treating your physical and emotional body pke a second-class citizen then that is what you will get back in return .如果你像个次等公民那般对待你的生理和心理健康,那么你也将得到它回报你的。

5.The essayist, unpke the novepst, the poet, and the playwright, must be content in his self-imposed role of second-class citizen.散文家们,不像小说家、诗人、剧作家,需对自己强加给自己的二等公民的身份知足。

6.To be classified as a peasant often means being treated as a second-class citizen.身份被划为农民通常意味着只能得到二等公民的待遇。

7.No person should ever be considered or treated as a second-class citizen, or be exploited in any way whatsoever.不应该把任何任人当作二等公民来看待或对待,不应该以任何方式去利用任何人以谋私利。

8.Her _latest_ book is called Second Class Citizen.她的最新著作叫做二等公民

9.The difference of the dual urban and rural household registration system makes peasants degraded to second-class citizen.城乡有别的二元户籍制度,使农民被人为地降为二等公民。

10.Dentistry as a whole feels it's a second-class citizen, but in fact, a dentist is creative, too.从整体来看,牙医界自以为二等公民,但实际上,牙科医生也有创造精神。