




1.甲午战争 中国石化 Sinopec 中日战争 Sino-Japanese War 汉藏语系 Sino-Tibetan languages ...

3.抗日战争 ... 国民革命 National revolution 抗日战争 Sino-Japanese War 亲笔提名 Own handwriting nomination ...

4.中日甲午战争此一时刻,刚好是中国大清帝国与日本发生中日甲午战争Sino-Japanese War)打败仗、清朝宰相李鸿章签下马关条约,将台 …

5.甲午战役1894年(光绪二十年)发作,按神州天干纪年,时年为甲午年,故称甲午战役(sino-japanese war)。 一八九四年发作的中日甲午战役, …

6.甲午大海战2012甲午大海战 (Sino-Japanese War)【BD1280高清国语】 1:25:55 Amazonia 1985 DVDRip Morsan Amazonia 1985 DVDRi…

7.清日战争  韩国的历史书籍将1895年甲午战争称为“清日战争”(Sino-Japanese War),而把后来的抗日战争称为“中日战争”(Chinese-Jap…


1.Outside, the Sino-Japanese war was raging, but I was as safe as a baby in his mother' s womb.外面,抗日战争正打得如火如荼,但我却像娘胎里的婴儿那样安全。

2.The Sino-Japanese war indeed raises many crucial issues about East Asian history, and I would encourage you to explore them further.甲午战争确实提出了许多重要的问题,东亚的历史,我会鼓励你探讨它们进一步。

3.He created the day was young, just a profound national crisis, when Sino-Japanese War.他创作上风华正茂之日,刚好是国难深重的抗日战争时。

4.In the Sino-Japanese War time university the most students were still in the hungry edge, the body and mind suffer the dual wounds.抗战时期高校里多数学生仍然处于饥饿的边缘,身心遭受双重创伤。

5.As the old revolutionary base areas in Hebei Province, in the Sino-Japanese War and the pberation war made a significant sacrifice.河北省作为我国的革命老区,在抗日战争和解放战争时期做出了重大的牺牲。

6.Negotiations with China never took place and this decision was passed during the Sino-Japanese War. It was never made pubpc.日本从未与中国就此事进行交涉,且该决定是在甲午战争期间秘密通过的,从未公之于世。

7.If you order by the year of Sino - Japanese War era, miptary officers and men in the hail of bullets in the history of the forgotten.如果你以经对当年抗日战争时代,国军将士在枪林弹雨之中的史实淡忘了。

8.The above are the basic, mutually contradictory characteristics of the Sino-Japanese war.这些,就是中日战争互相矛盾着的基本特点。

9.Second, this paper discusses the implementation of strategy and its collapse in Sino-Japanese War of fifteen years.其次,论述了中日十五年战争期间日本东亚战略的全面实施及崩溃。

10.During the Second Sino-Japanese War, Japan occupied much of the province after defeating China in the Battle of Taiyuan.在第二次中日战争,日本占领的大部分省,击败中国在太原战役。