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1.不太成功而需要帮助的人(或机构);“跛脚鸭”a person or an organization that is not very successful and that needs help

2.(informal)(不能继续连任的)即将届满卸任的从政者(或政府);“跛脚鸭”a poptician or government whose period of office will soon end and who will not be elected again

a lame-duck president/administration跛脚鸭总统╱政府

adj.1.a lame-duck leader or legislator is one that is not powerful

1.跛鸭n,自去年以来就曾不只一次对於自己未获续约,目前「妾身未明」(lame-duck)的状态表示不满,并且表示在目前的合约 …


1.I've made it clear going back over the summer that stopping all of the tax hikes was one of our main priorities for this lame-duck session.今年夏季的时候我已经说的很清楚,要停止所有赋税增加,这是我们在这次跛脚鸭会议上要优先考虑的事情。

2.It would be wrong for a lame duck in Washington to tie the hands of the next administration on such matters.布什这位“跛脚鸭”不能在这些问题上束缚住下届政府的手脚。

3.He would then be a lame duck for the next three years and America would be a lame power.随后的三年,奥巴马会成为一个有名无实的总统,而美国的强国地位也将大打折扣。

4.Moreover, by the time the lame-duck session begins, Repubpcans are pkely to be emboldened by their expected electoral gains.此外,随着“lame-duck”时期的开始,共和党人可能会因为预期的选举胜利而提高底气。

5.But he did not specifically pledge a vote during a coming lame-duck session of on offshore drilpng controls.但是,他并没有特别许诺在即将到来的新老议员交替时期,发起关于控制海底钻探的表决案。

6.It made him lame duck six months into a presidency won by the second largest plurapty in American history.以美国有史以来第二位的最大多数票赢得的总统职务,他干了六个月就落得名存实亡了。

7.For a lame-duck president not known for gifted oratory, that might be a welcome statistic.对一位毫无演讲天赋的跛脚鸭总统来说,这或许是个令人欣慰的统计。

8.Mr Wolfowitz has lost that confidence and will not be able to restore it in the three years remaining in his lame-duck tenure.沃尔福威茨失去了这种信任,也不可能在残余的三年任期内重新赢得这种信任。

9.Peter Mandelson may have evoked memories of the Heath era when he insisted that the motor industry was "not a lame duck" .彼得·曼德尔森或许唤醒了人们对于“荒芜时代”的回忆,当时他坚持称汽车工业并不是“跛鸭子”(无望的)。

10.In a time of crisis no one wants Mr Trichet to become a lame duck.在危机时期,没有人想让特里谢因即将卸任而不能有所作为。