




1.断桥 ... 断喉剑/ The Decapitating Sword 断桥*/ The Broken Bridge 对脚印*/ A Cowboy and aGirl ...

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1.People in memory of his wife at home section, simply called the broken bridge above the bridge at home.人们为纪念段家夫妇,便把这断桥称为段家桥。

2.The broken bridge was a bare five yards ahead. Around its piers, the water rippled white as the foam from a madman's mouth.离断桥只有五步之遥了,在它的码头四周,泛起的水花就像疯子嘴里溢出的白沫。

3.Speaking of the Broken Bridge Hangzhou, I suppose we all know, it is but the legendary White Snake and Xu Xian meet place.说到杭州断桥,想必大家都知道,它可是传说中许仙和白娘子相会的地方。

4.Would come to the Broken Bridge for a look.都会到断桥来看一看。

5.The section gang was called out to fix the broken bridge.养路工们被召集去抢修损坏的桥。

6.Legends White Snake and The Story Broken Bridge meet again, for the Broken Bridge is a romantic scenery add color.传说白娘子与许仙断桥相会,确为断桥景物增添了浪漫色彩。

7.The Broken Bridge on the Yalu River. The bullet holes on the bridge bear witness to a period of history.断桥横卧在鸭绿江之上,桥上的累累弹痕是一段历史的见证。

8.Visited the Broken Bridge in Dandong.丹东非常著名的断桥。

9.Now the broken bridge, the conversion is 1941, the 1950s and modified.现在的断桥,是1941年改建,五十年代又经修饰。

10.By then the Shy Maid had drifted out from under the broken bridge. "Did we get them all? " asked Duck. "How many jumped? "接着害羞小姐号漂过了断桥。“我们全部解决他们了么?”鸭子问。“跳下来几个?”