


美式发音: [ˈtraɪr] 英式发音: [ˈtraɪə(r)]



复数:triers  同义词反义词


n.tester,experimenter,taster,volunteer,guinea pig



1.工作尽心尽力的人;勤勤恳恳的人a person who tries very hard at what they are doing and does their best


n.1.someone who tries very hard to succeed, despite difficulties

1.特里尔 triene 三烯 trier 试验者;试验仪表 triethanolamine 三乙醇胺 ...

5.特里尔城 true to 对...守节,忠于。... trier 检验者 trifluoperazine 三氟甲哌氧丙嗪 ... ...

8.特理尔德国特理尔Trier)大学;Karsten Schittek。 水气捕集器设计,秘鲁;德国阿衡(RWTH Aachen)大学;Kai Tiedemann。


1.Lars Von Trier is extremely obsessed with those who only use a camera, two actors and a gray background of the screen shot.冯提尔极其迷恋那种只使用一台摄影机、两个演员和一块灰色背景幕的拍摄方式。

2.Von Trier was thrown out of the festival last week for joking that he was a Nazi.拉斯•冯•提尔上周曾因为开玩笑说他是纳粹分子而被排除出这次电影节。

3.27I have set thee for a strong trier among my people: and thou shalt know and prove their way.我立了你作我人民的考察员,原是为叫你认识并考察他们的行径。

4.To the left, the spiritual princes of the realm, the Archbishops of Cologne, Trier, and Mainz.左边,精神的境界首领,美因茨大主教,科隆,特里尔。

5.Because for all of the controversy, von Trier remains one of the more entertaining and fascinating interview subjects of all time.由因为面对所有的争议,冯提尔一直是一个更为有趣并且吸引人的采访对象。

6.Two years ago Von Trier made worldwide headpnes when his gruesome film Antichrist premiered at Cannes.两年以前,冯.提尔因为他那部阴森的反基督电影在戛纳首映而成为世界各地媒体的头条。

7."Dogville, " by Danish director Lars von Trier and starring Nicole Kidman, won best director and best cinematography.由丹麦导演拉斯·冯·特里尔导演、影星妮可·基德曼出演的影片《狗镇》获得了最佳导演和最佳摄影奖。

8.eventually grew into modern cities which today carry names pke Cologne, Mainz, Regensburg, Trier, and Vienna.最终都变成了现代繁华的城市,如科隆、美因茨、雷根斯堡、特里尔和维也纳。

9.In Trier it is not the city or its Roman ruins that attracts the tourists.特里尔城或者其罗马时期的古建筑物并不能吸引中国的游客。

10.But Cannes 2011 will probably forever be known as "the one that banned Lars Von Trier" .但是2011年戛纳电影节让世人铭记恐怕是“被驱逐的拉斯.冯.提尔”。