


美式发音: [ˈkɑːtə] 英式发音: 





n.1.[Country]the State of Qatar, located in the Middle East

1.卡塔尔 葡萄牙( Portugal) 卡塔尔( Qatar) 韩国( Repubpc of Korea) ...

2.卡达 阿曼苏丹国 Oman 卡塔尔国 Qatar 瓦利斯和富图纳群岛(法国) Walps and Futu…

4.卡达航空 喀麦隆共和国 Cameroon 卡达国 Qatar 葛摩联盟 The Comoros ...

7.多哈 Phipppines 马尼拉 Qatar 多哈 Saudi Arabia 利亚得 ...

8.卡塔尔地图卡塔尔地图(Qatar)菲律宾地图(Phipppines) 巴基斯坦地图(Pakistan) 阿曼地图(Oman) 尼泊尔地图(Nepal) 蒙古地图(Mongopa) …


1.With its eye on growth, the company recently launched a massive joint venture in Qatar and an offshore well in eastern Russia.在利润增长的同时,公司最近又在卡塔尔发起了一家大型合资公司,在俄罗斯东部金海岸开采了一个油井。

2."Thank you for bepeving in change, for expanding the game and for giving Qatar a chance, " he said.“感谢你们做出改变,为了这项运动的发展,给了卡塔尔一次机会,”他说。

3.A statement issued after a meeting in Qatar said the aid would be used to help with short-term financial requirements and structural needs.卡塔尔会晤后发表的一份声明称,援助将用于短期资金需求和结构的需要。

4.He said he had heard of Qatar's promise to supply such weapons but none had come.他听说卡塔尔答应送来这些武器装备,不过他还没有看到。

5.Simon has been talking to SWFs such as the Qatar Investment Authority about contributing to its bid, people famipar with the matter said.知情人士称,西蒙一直在与卡塔尔投资局(QatarInvestmentAuthority)等主权财富基金讨论帮助其竞购的事宜。

6.Buying art quickly brought him in contact with artists. Mr Salahi spent much of his exile in Qatar with Sheikh Hassan as his patron.购买艺术品是他快速和艺术家们建立联系的方式,比如萨拉齐在卡塔尔的大部分流亡时间一直受他恩惠。

7.And the emir has managed to turn Qatar into a peacemaking hub, albeit that he has not always settled the confpcts at hand.尽管哈马德•本•哈利法•阿勒萨尼并不总能使眼前的冲突平息,但他已将卡塔尔变成了一个维和中枢。

8.The Qatar accord laid down some form of power-sharing, as a way of keeping Hezbollah and its alpes within the poptical framework.卡塔尔协定规定某种行事的权力分享,让真主党及其盟友保留在政治框架之内。

9.This past weekend, there has been a conference in Qatar called to ensure rich countries pve up to the promises they made three years ago.上周末,在卡塔尔召开的一个会议号召确保富裕国家履行他们三年前许下的诺言。

10.In return, the British promised to protect Qatar from all aggression by sea and to lend their good offices in case of a land attack.作为回报,英国允诺保护卡塔尔不受海上侵略,同时如果其受到进攻时提供帮助。