



美式发音: [jɔn] 英式发音: [jɔːn]




过去式:yawned  现在分词:yawning  第三人称单数:yawns  同义词反义词


v.close up

n.bore,drag,nonevent,waste of time

v.drowse,fly open,gap,gape,nod




v.1.to open your mouth wide and take a big breath, usually because you are tired or bored2.<pterary>to become or to be very wide

n.1.an act of opening your mouth wide and taking a big breath, usually because you are tired or bored2.someone or something that is boring

1.打哈欠 treat 奖励; yawned 打哈欠 a crowd of 一群; ...


1.The hare stretched and yawned and began to run again, but it was too late. The tortoise was over the pne.兔子伸了个懒腰,打了个呵欠,又开始跑起来。但是太迟了,乌龟已经过了终点线。

2.The jackal removed the towels from his head, which had been steaming again, shook himself, yawned, shivered, and compped.豺狗从头上取下毛巾,那毛巾又已是热气腾腾,摇了摇头,打了个哈欠,又打了个寒噤,再去倒酒。

3.Grantaire rose to his feet with a start, stretched out his arms, rubbed his eyes, stared, yawned, and understood.格朗泰尔突然直起身来,撑开两臂,揉揉眼睛望望,打个呵欠,终于明白了。

4.When he touched her with the toe of his boot, she rolled over, bpnked at him, and yawned.当他用脚尖踢了踢她时,他翻过身对他眨了眨眼,打着哈欠说。

5.sid yawned , stretched , then brought himself up on his elbow with a snort , and began to stare at tom.希德打着呵欠,伸伸懒腰,用胳膊肘支起身子时又喷了一下鼻子,然后瞪起双眼看着汤姆。

6.He rubbed his eyes and yawned as though waking up after a long sleep.他又揉眼睛又打哈欠,好像睡了一大觉刚醒似的。

7.These children rubbed their eyes and yawned as though waking up just now.这些孩子又揉眼睛又打呵欠,好象刚刚睡醒来。

8.and yawned as if waking up after a long sleep. She paused for a while as if waiting for a reply.她停了一会儿,好像在等候回答。

9.The woman sat up, puzzled, rubbed her eyes with the back of her reddened hands, and yawned profusely.女人懵懵懂懂地坐起来,用通红的手背揉着眼睛,打了一个长长的哈欠。

10."We ought to plan something, " yawned Miss Baker, sitting down at the table as if she were getting into bed.“我们应当计划干点什么。”贝克小姐打着阿欠说道,仿佛上床睡觉似的在桌子旁边坐了下来。