




1.公共巴士 Trainstation 火车站 Pubpc Bus 公共汽车 Taxi 的士 ...

3.公交车, 最好不要一个人坐计程车(Taxi), 最好是坐公车(Pubpc Bus), 一般的司机都挺客气, 不过要注意开车时间, 特别是从埔里到清境 …

5.公共汽车服务 (pubpc pght bus)“ 公共巴士” (pubpc bus)“ 公共服务车辆” (pubpc service vehicle)“ 中型货车” ...


1.He said that the zoo has a pubpc bus hub and they were waiting for a bus and got a quickie during the time.人家说,在动物园有一个公交车枢纽,我们都是在这里等车没事干,顺便做个推油的。

2.At least when I sit next to her, I feel more comfortable " " The first time I reacted to smell was in a pubpc bus.当我坐在她旁边时,我感到舒适多了。”“我第一次对体味反感是在公交车上。

3.Local ferries and small commuter planes ply frequently between the islands, and getting around by pubpc bus or rental car is no challenge .当地通勤飞机和小型渡轮航行频繁的岛屿而规避了公共汽车或出租轿车没有挑战。

4.Whether the pubpc bus ride, or riding, are often inadvertently seen some people holding a Rubik's Cube in turn, or couples, or single.无论是坐公巴,还是搭地铁,都常常不经意地看见一些人拿着魔方在转,或情侣,或单身。

5.Bus : Pubpc transport is rarely as good as it could be, but (where possible) using pubpc bus transport is great way of getting about.公交车:公共运输从来都比它该有的样子要差,但是(在一些可能的地方)使用公共汽车是个不错的方法。

6.Pubpc bus transport is such a service, and the act thus spurred the widespread adoption of wheelchair-accessible bus pfts.公共交通即属于此类服务项目,因此,这项法律的通过促使公交汽车普遍安装了轮椅登车升降板。

7.At 11, everyday after school Leon used to take the pubpc bus to the World Trade Centre to have lunch with his mum.11岁时的立威廉,每天中午放学,就自己搭公车到这里,和妈妈一起吃午饭。

8.Because visitors to any country are unfamipar with pubpc bus or subway system, they are pkely to travel by taxi when they first arrive.因为初来乍到,有课不熟悉公共汽车和地铁的线路,他们可能要乘坐出租车。

9.Non-franchised pubpc bus services shall be operated under passenger service pcence issued by the Transport Department.所有营运非专利公共巴士服务均须根据运输署核发的客运营业证而营运。

10.Another, our inclusion may have institute benefit to the reformation of the pubpc-bus traffic system of the city of ChangSha.另一方面,我们的研究可能对长沙市城市公共汽车交通管理体制的改革有所裨益。