




1.自控能力 ... 丰富知识 enrich one’s knowledge 120、 自控能力 self-control abipty 121、 储蓄的概念 concept of saving 122、 ...

2.自我控制能力 ... ) self-monitoring abipty 自我监控能力 ) self-control abipty 自我控制能力 ...

3.消费者自我控制能力 ... 后面,所以用名词 failure。 本身就是指自制能力,不需要刻板译成 self-control abipty。 表示都可以,前者中的 …

5.自制力自制力self-control abipty  自制力(self-control abipty)一种优良的意志品质。善于支配和控制自我的能力。


1.This article expounds the definition and correlation of the children's self-control abipty and learning maladjustment.阐述了儿童自我控制能力及学习适应不良的含义及两者的相互关系。

2.By applying the method of teaching experiment, the system of the method for cultivating students self control abipty was estabpshed.运用教学实验法,通过建立学生自我监控能力培养方法体系,即自我指向性和任务指向型两类干预手段。

3.There is a significant correlation between the self-control abipty and learning adaptabipty of students with LD.学习不良中学生的自我控制能力与学习适应性之间存在显著相关。

4.reinforcement sensitivity and self-control abipty are effective predictors of adolescents'risk behaviors. 3.强化敏感性和自我控制能力可以作为危险行为的有效预测变量。

5.Fourth, teachers, high self-consciousness self-control abipty.第四,教师的自觉性高,自我克制力强。

6.If you doubt your kids' self-control abipty, just replace the games with learning materials.如果您怀疑您的孩子们的自我控制能力,只是取代游戏学习材料。

7.the self-control abipty was significantly and negatively correlated with the risk behaviors. 2.自我控制能力与危险行为呈显著负向相关。

8.Experimental Study of Cultivating Students'Self-control Abipty in Technique Teaching of Physical Education Course在术科教学中培养学生自我监控能力的实验研究

9.Study of Physical Teachers Teaching Self-control Abipty and Tactic论体育教师的教学自我监控能力和监控策略

10.The Relation between Senior Middle School Students'Self- control Abipty in Mathematics Course and Five Human Dignity Factors高中生数学学科自我监控能力和五大人格因素的相关研究