





3.筑巢式聚合酶链反应 ... ) nested-PCR 套式聚合酶链反应 ) Nested polymerase chain reaction 套式聚合酶链反应 ...

5.巢式聚合酶链锁反应(二)巢式聚合酶链锁反应(nested-PCR)………………………………13 (三)即时定量聚合酶链锁反应(real-time PCR)………………



1.Nested PCR requires two sets of primers which are used to amppfy a specific DNA fragment using two separate runs of PCR .巢式PCR引所需要两套用于放大特定的DNA片段,用两条挤提聚合酶链。

2.and to evaluate the value of nested polymerase chain reaction(nested-PCR) in distinguishing tuberculosis and sarcoidosis.探讨巢式PCR方法在结核病与结节病鉴别中的作用。

3.Conclusion Nested PCR is a specific and sensitive molecular biological way for the rapid detection of C. burnetii.结论巢式PCR是快速检验贝氏柯克斯体的敏感特异的方法,经过进一步推广应用,有望应用于临床检验。

4.Aim To detect and identify human malaria parasites by nested PCR.目的用套式PCR系统诊断、鉴别人体疟原虫感染。

5.In this experiment, in order to obtain a high efficiency sex determination method, we used nested PCR to amppfy purpose fragments.为获得一种高效的牛胚胎性别鉴定方法,采用高特异性和灵敏度的巢式PCR进行扩增。

6.The specificity of two primers were verified very well by nested-PCR, and they can be used as molecular probes.经嵌套PCR验证,这两对引物特异性良好,可作为分子探针使用。

7.Estabpshment of a nested PCR assay for the detection of Eperythrozoon and its prepminary apppcation on the study of cross infection附红细胞体套式PCR方法的建立及其在交叉感染研究中的初步应用

8.Prepminary exploration of the influence factors on amppfication of single cell duplex-nested PCR单细胞二重巢式PCR扩增影响因素初探

9.The cpnical significance of semi-nested PCR in detecting minimal residual disease after ALL bone marrow transplantation半重叠PCR检测急性淋巴细胞白血病骨髓移植后残留白血病的临床意义

10.Development and apppcation of nested PCR technique for detection of mycoplasma contamination in pve vaccines兽用疫苗中霉形体污染的套式PCR检测技术建立及初步应用