


n. 滥用(辱骂)


见:abusive: abusiveness


1. Even though Abu knows this isn't always the truth.


2. He giveth snow like wool: he scattereth the hoarfrost like ashes. Ia menurunkan salju seperti bulu domba dan menghamburkan embun beku seperti abu.


3. In 1897, Japan first installed the seismograph newly invented by Milne in Taipei ( Abu Shengzheng, 2000).


4. Abu Ranin would not say what information the man provided.Abu Ranins greatest coup, he says, was in Romania.


5. When Igo to work,I prefer to take abus rather than drive and that morning was no exception.


6. "Remember Abu Nidal?" Bush asked Aug. 28 in Lima, Ohio. "He's the guy that killed Leon Klinghoffer because he was Jewish.


7. "Remember Abu Nidal?"Bush asked Aug. 28 in Lima, Ohio. "He's the guy that killed Leon Klinghoffer because he was Jewish.


8. Ras Laffan C is ABB's third large power plant project in Qatar, following Ras Abu Fontas B, Qatalum and a variety of substation projects.


9. The cure rate of ABU was 95.83%.

ABU治愈率达 95 .83%。

10. The cure rate of ABU was 95.65% and the effective rate of treatment to renal disease only 76.19%.

ABU治愈率达 95 65% ,2 1例伴ABU的肾病有效率 76 19%。

11. The incidence of ABU in patients with renal diseases was 10.71%. The percentage of nosocomial infection was 36.59%.

ABU的发生率 10 .71% ,院医感染占 36 .5 9% ;

12. The cure rate of ABU was 96. 00%.


13. ADSI is a joint venture between SELEX SI and Abu Dhabi Ship Building, which was set up in 2005.

ADSI是SELEX SI和阿布扎比舰船制造公司的合资公司,成立于2005年。

14. Sopdet was also connected to the goddess Satet at Abu (Elephantine).


15. "The need the close this facility is clear: along with the abuses at Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo has been decried throughout the world.


16. After his failed bread hunt, Abu Samir, the father of seven, also plans to build his own fire oven.


17. A judge in Italy convicted 23 CIA agents and two Italian secret agents of the kidnap of a Muslim cleric, Abu Omar, in Milan in 2003.


18. A senior Abu Dhabi official told Reuters news agency that it would “pick and choose when and where to assist”.


19. The friendly neighboring emirate of Abu Dhabi, which has been bailing Dubai out, is still flush with petrodollars.


20. Upper Egypt is to the south from the Libyan desert down to just past Abu Simbel.


21. SMEs not only be able to smooth over the winter, the Abu Ali also continued steady growth.


22. She relentlessly tracks them down to their abodes of exile in Abu Dhabi, Amman, Beirut, Damascus and London.


23. But Dongtan will be pipped at the green post 3 by Masdar City 4in Abu Dhabi, designed by Foster + Partners.


24. Meanwhile, the Gaza-based militant group Hamas has agreed to meet with the Palestinian Prime Minister Abu Mazen to discuss a possible ceasefire.


25. The rocks for Dubai's breakwater have been provided by its neighbour Abu Dhabi.


26. Organisers of the inaugural Abu Dhabi grand prix have rubbished reports the Yas Marina circuit will not be ready to host the 2009 season finale.


27. A man feeds Abu, a white-black vulture, in a field near the little village of Liederholthuis in Overijssel, Netherlands, May 9, 2007.


28. It has been said that the true founder of the empire of Islam was not so much Muhammad as his friend and helper Abu Bekr.


29. Humans have learned the same energetic abusiveness as their Pleiadian ancestors, making it difficult to spend time in groups as a result, and in particular if one is sensitive.


30. Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or take a boat from across the lake.


31. Today you can either fly to Abu Simbel or you can take a boat from across the lake.


32. At the beginning of this year Abu Dhabi followed suit with a 2030 vision document of its own.


33. One day, Prophet Muhammad was walking at the foot of Mount As-Safa in Makkah when Abu Jahl met him.


34. The story is more to do with Fatimah Abu Bakar's character looking for a purpose in life than making a big deal about love and romance.


35. If Muhammad, with his shifty character, was the mind and imagination of primitive Islam, Abu Bekr was its conscience and its will.

从穆罕默德狡诈的性格来看,如果他是原始伊斯兰教的头脑和想象力,那么阿布 - 贝克就是它的良心和意志。

36. What has he got, sitting in a bucolic suburb of Boston, that they haven't got in Abu Dhabi?


37. His overseas posts include Amman, Jordan;Abu Dhabi and Dubai in the United Arab Emirates;and Guangzhou, PRC.Mr.


38. He said one of them, Abu Bakar Bashir, could face legal action.


39. He says that a militant known as Abu Abdula Al-Iraqi (ph) had been sent to Iraq several times between 1997 and 2000 for help in acquiring poisons and gases.


40. "The Israeli government committed to President Abu Mazen [Abbas] not to use this as a sword over our neck.


41. Jordanian-born Abu Musab al Zarqawi, leader of al Qaeda in Iraq;U.S.


42. Iraq's notorious Abu Ghraib Prison is reopening.


43. But a leading Hamas official Moussa Abu Marzouk said the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas would have to share power with Hamas.


44. However, subordinates of Abu Nidal maintained that Abu Nidal did not suicide but was killed by Iraqi intelligence agents.


45. But to lure Saadiyat's would-be 45,000 home-owners away from the glitz of Dubai, next door, Abu Dhabi knows it must offer a bit more.


46. For example, earlier this year Bryn Mawr College in Pensilvinia Pennsylvania suspended its plans to open a campus in Abu Dhabi.


47. Construction on the Temple of Abu Simbel lasted for about 20 years, from 1244 B.C., until 1224 B.


48. The largest is the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority, established in nineteen seventy-six.


49. Back to Abu Dhabi : Ministers from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries met there on Wednesday.


50. Or why they should resuscitate bankrupt Dubai firms that will compete with Abu Dhabi's own national champions?


51. Backed by the Abu Dhabi United Group it is expected City will be by far the biggest spenders in the transfer window.


52. Analysts say the oil-rich federal government of the United Arab Emirates, based in Abu Dhabi, would lend a lifeline in a crisis.


53. Susan | all galleries >> Egypt 2006 >> Day 3 > Temple of Hathor, Abu Simbel.

刻有六尊石像,其中四尊为拉美西斯二世本人,另两尊为他的爱妻 Nefertari。

54. "Abu Ammar, hero of the struggle," the cover reads in bright red letters, referring to Arafat by his nom de guerre.

包装上还用鲜红的颜色写道:"Abu Ammar,作战勇士",这个假名指的就是阿拉法特。

55. "Abu Ammar,hero of the struggle," the cover reads in bright red letters,referring to Arafat by his nom de guerre.

包装上还用鲜红的颜色写道:“Abu Ammar 作战勇士”,这个是阿拉法特的别名。

56. The Japan Bank for International Co-operation announced a $1 billion loan to Abu Dhabi as a downpayment on long-term oil contracts.


57. Abu Dhabi Polymers Company Ltd.


58. The biggest prize the CTC has captured since Sept. 11has been Abu Zubaydah, bin Laden's chief of operations and recruiting.


59. The biggest prize the CTC has captured since Sept.11 has been Abu Zubaydah,bin Laden's chief of operations and recruiting.


60. On Wednesday, Iraqi and American officials announced the death of Abu Musb al-Zarqawi.


61. On Saturday, she and Mr. Mitchell will meet with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in Abu Dhabi.


62. Al Thirmidhi, An-Nasai and Abu Dawud also recorded this hadith. Al Thirmidhi said it is hasan.


63. Hamza Abu Zanad, right, smokes with friends at an expensive bar in Dubai, Monday, August 25, 2008.


64. Alas most will not be aware of such things having lost the connection to nature so very long ago, and will perish in the abusiveness of humans in fear.


65. Ibn Sunni 从Abu Huraira 处传述:To give salaam to your household when you enter upon them, and to give salaam upon those Muslims you pass by.


66. In 2008, it was fourth, behind Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Beijing.


67. In next-door emirate Abu Dhabi, average home prices fell 5%.


68. There is no excuse for any kind of abusiveness in any kind of a relationship.


69. In Gaza, Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri quickly condemned Mr. Abbas's remarks.


70. The number plate "5" was bought for $6.86 million in Abu Dhabi, the oil-rich capital of the UAE, a news agency reported.


71. In Abu Dhabi, Mr.Krens has found a client whose interest runs deeper than collecting tourist dollars.


72. One of the most important temples in danger was the one at Abu Simbel.


73. She works closely with European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and Asia Broadcasting Union (ABU) in the areas of digital broadcasting.


74. If he values your work, he may rein in his abusiveness.


75. It already has facilities in Florida, a “wellness centre” in Toronto and projects under way in Abu Dhabi and Vienna.


76. It enjoys its own legal entity to represent the various productive and services activities of the private sector in Abu Dhabi Emirate.


77. ABUS LIS overload protection. Lifting is interrupted when1,1 times rated load is reached. The electronic measurement method used features extremely short load detection times.


78. Abu Ghraib could be written off as an aberration of the sort to be expected from low-level troops.


79. Proclaiming his power to neighboring Nubians, Ramses II of Dynasty XIX had this huge temple hewn out of rock at Abu Simbel.


80. Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm al-Quwain, Ras al-Khaimah and Fujairah?
