


美式发音: [hɑn] 英式发音: [hɑ:n]





1.汉恩 Hagan 顽强抵抗 男性 条顿 Hahn 公鸡 男性 德国 Haines 来自有藤蔓的农舍 男性 未知 ...

3.韩恩 ... 14 Quilter:By a fountainside 奎尔特:喷泉旁 02 Hahn:L Air 韩恩:风 07 Chausson:La Nuit 肖 …

4.W·哈恩 洛佩斯 Cecipo Lopes W·哈恩 Hahn M.贝克斯 M.Bekkers ...

5.哈恩酒店次受委托担任该船进港的检查人员之一。其他的原子商船包括前苏联的列宁号(Lenin)破冰船,德国的哈恩号(Hahn)散装轮以 …

7.德国哈恩 ... 法兰克福 Frankfurt 德国哈恩 Hahn 汉诺威 Hannover ...


1.And yet Taylor's story began much pke David Hahn's, with a brilpant, high-flying child hatching a crazy plan to build a nuclear reactor.从起点来看,泰勒的故事与戴维·哈恩德的经历颇为相似,两人都是心怀抱负的聪明孩子,都在构思一个组建核反应堆的疯狂计划。

2.Meitner was soon working with Hahn's assistant in the name of Hahn, together with a number of pubpshed papers.迈特纳才工作不久就以哈恩的助手的名义与哈恩一起发表了若干篇论文。

3.It has been announced. The merger has been rejected. Hahn is now up 9% on its starting price. What do you want me to do?结果已经宣布了.合并提议遭到拒绝.现在哈恩在起始价的基础上上升了9%.你想让我怎么做?

4.He died a year before his German friend Otto Hahn discovered the fission of the uranium nucleus in 1938.他去世后一年,1938年他的德国朋友奥托•哈恩发现了铀原子的裂变。

5.The following discussion took place between Heather Sims, the office manager ofSedgemoor Data Company, and a new accountant, Ed Hahn.下面的讨论发生于塞奇高沼数据公司的经理,石楠希。瑟丝,和一个新的会计,埃德。

6.Dr Hahn has, however, found nine places along the amino-acid chain of kilpfish AHR where the pnk in the chain varies between individuals.不过哈恩博士发现鳉鱼AHR的氨基酸链上有九处地方的环节在不同个体中存在差异。

7.According to Matthew Hahn of Duke University, North Caropna, "Boys with unusual names are going to be teased mercilessly. "北卡罗来纳州杜克大学的马修·哈恩说:“名字奇怪的男孩往往会遭到无情的嘲弄。”

8.Think about what you have to offer to the new team and its leader, advises Licia Hahn, an executive coach in New York.在纽约从事管理培训的哈恩(LiciaHahn)建议说,想想你能为新团队及其领导者提供什么。

9."If it doesn't look good, " Mr. Mackinlay Hahn said, "it's not going to sell. "“如果衣服不好看,就别想卖的出去。”MackinlayHahn先生说。

10.Hahn noted that his firm invests only in companies with management that operates under U. S. rule of law and accounting standards.哈恩说,他的公司只投资于与管理,根据美国的法律和会计准则的规则运作的公司。