



[ accentuated ]

v.重读, 强调, 突出


The tight jumper only accentuated his fat stomach.



名词: accentuation | 动词过去式: accentuated | 动词过去分词: accentuated | 动词现在分词: accentuating | 动词第三人称单数: accentuates |



名词: accentuation | 动词过去式: accentuated | 动词过去分词: accentuated | 动词现在分词: accentuating | 动词第三人称单数: accentuates |



syllabic | quantitative |


动词 accentuate:

to stress, single out as important

同义词:stress, emphasize, emphasise, punctuate, accent, accentuate

put stress on; utter with an accent

同义词:stress, accent, accentuate


1. tricuspid accentuated

[医] 三尖瓣杂音

2. aortic accentuated

[医] 主动脉瓣杂音

3. accidental accentuated

[医] 偶发性杂音

4. arterial accentuated

[医] 动脉杂音

5. aneurysmal accentuated

[医] 动脉瘤杂音

6. Eustace Smith's accentuated

[医] 史密斯氏杂音(支气管狭窄时的一种听诊体征)

7. deglutition accentuated

[医] 吞咽杂音

8. inspiratory accentuated

[医] 吸气性杂音

9. blowing accentuated

[医] 吹气样杂音

10. expiratory accentuated

[医] 呼气性杂音

11. organic accentuated

[医] 器质性杂音

12. humming-top accentuated

[医] 地牛音, 静脉哼鸣

13. line accentuated contour

[医] 增加外廓线

14. Bright's accentuated

[医] 布赖特氏杂音, 辗轧音, 摩革音(为心包炎或胸膜炎的一种体征)

15. Parrot's accentuated

[医] 帕罗氏杂音(心收缩不全时无心音而代以杂音)

16. Fraenitzel accentuated

[医] 弗伦策耳氏杂音(二尖瓣狭窄时的一种杂音)

17. Flint's accentuated

[医] 弗林特氏杂音(主动脉回流时的心尖收缩期前杂音)

18. endocardial accentuated

[医] 心内膜杂音

19. exocardial accentuated

[医] 心外性杂音

20. apex accentuated

[医] 心尖杂音

21. cardiac accentuated

[医] 心杂音

22. cardiopulmonary accentuated

[医] 心肺杂音, 心搏呼吸杂音

23. bronchial accentuated

[医] 支气管杂音

24. presystolic accentuated

[医] 收缩前杂音

25. Steell's accentuated

[医] 斯蒂尔氏杂音, 格雷汉·斯蒂尔氏杂音

26. functional accentuated

[医] 机能性杂音

27. machinery accentuated

[医] 机鸣状杂音

28. propagation of accentuated

[医] 杂音传播

29. seesaw accentuated

[医] 来回性杂音

30. soft accentuated

[医] 柔和杂音

31. hour-glass accentuated

[医] 沙漏样杂音

32. crescendo accentuated

[医] 渐强性杂音

33. Traube's accentuated

[医] 特劳伯氏杂音, 奔马律

34. stenosal accentuated

[医] 狭窄性杂音

35. purring accentuated

[医] 猫鼾杂音, 猫叫音

36. valvular accentuated

[医] 瓣性杂音

37. direct accentuated

[医] 直接杂音, 阻塞性杂音

38. paradox accentuated

[医] 矛盾性杂音

39. friction accentuated

[医] 磨擦杂音

40. amphoric accentuated

[医] 空瓮性呼吸音

41. rasping accentuated

[医] 粗涩杂音

42. pulmonary accentuated

[医] 肺动脉瓣杂音

43. vesicular accentuated

[医] 肺泡呼吸音

44. placental accentuated

[医] 胎盘杂音

45. pleuropericardial accentuated

[医] 胸膜心包杂音

46. brain accentuated

[医] 脑杂音(在颞部听到的杂音)

47. spontaneous accentuated

[医] 自发性杂音

48. lapping accentuated

[医] 舐食状杂音(在主动脉破裂时听到的一种杂音)

49. prediastolic accentuated

[医] 舒张前杂音

50. post-diastolic accentuated

[医] 舒张后杂音

51. diastolic accentuated

[医] 舒张期杂音

52. blood accentuated

[医] 血性杂音

53. vascular accentuated

[医] 血管杂音

54. anemic accentuated

[医] 贫血性杂音

55. Fisher's accentuated

[医] 费希尔氏杂音(在佝偻病患者头部听诊的一种杂音)

56. metallic accentuated

[医] 金属性杂音

57. indirect accentuated

[医] 间接杂音

58. obstructive accentuated

[医] 阻塞性杂音, 直接杂音

59. rumbling accentuated

[医] 雷鸣样杂音, 滚筒样杂音

60. nun's accentuated

[医] 静脉哼鸣, 地牛音

61. venous accentuated

[医] 静脉杂音

62. inorganic accentuated

[医] 非器质性杂音

63. accentuated sound

[医] 音增强

64. bellows accentuated

[医] 风箱状杂音

65. Makin's accentuated

[医] 麦金斯氏杂音(在心前区听到由受伤动脉所引起的收缩期杂音)

66. "a natural reserve accentuated by the verbose frankness of her husband" (W. Somerset Maugham).

“她天生的缄默少言因其丈夫长篇大论式的坦诚而被加剧了” (W·索马瑟特·毛姆)。

67. "enacted sweeping land-reform plans that accentuated the already chaotic pattern of landholding" (James Fallows)


68. Popular music of Jamaican origin having elements of calypso and rhythm and blues, characterized by a strongly accentuated offbeat.


69. In essence the first syllables are normally accentuated. Syllables preceded by a hyphen are accentuated as well.


70. Nevertheless shop carpet accentuated undoubtedly the difficulty of clean job, at the same time of the summer change wash and store very troublesome also.


71. These configurations of population growth have already generated a number of differing population trends of farreaching consequences which will be accentuated further during the next two decades.


72. The sporting, low-slung silhouette of the car is further accentuated by body height of just 1.36 metres or 53.5 inches.


73. You could certainly say that when books first came around, they accentuated the gap between the haves and the have-nots.


74. Your natural advantages are accentuated this weekend, and your fiery energy should make everything more fun!


75. Perot had big jug ears, which were accentuated by his short crew cut.


76. On the palate its voluptuous density is accentuated, with deliciously smooth tannins. The great concentration of fruity and spicy aromas will reach full expression with time in bottle.


77. It is characterised by a pronounced engagement of the hindquarters, a more accentuated flexion of the knees and hocks, and the graceful elasticity of the movement.


78. The result is a mechanical beauty accentuated by the huge engine in a minimalist chassis, around which the rider must wrap himself.


79. Decrease little SEO is advisory, of the word such as SEO service outside catenary optimizes He keyword distribution, accentuated the relevant article of He of layout 、 density that keyword SEO grooms.


80. The open platform subfacies are arranged into the middle and upper parts of the Fenxiang Formation, in which ooiltic shoal and argillutite are accentuated.
