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第三人称单数:leaps  现在分词:leaping  过去式:leaped  过去式:leapt  同义词反义词





v.1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过1.跳跃,跃起;跳越;迅速行动2.(胸部等)跳动3.现在除成语外,普通用 jump4.交尾5.跳过,跳越6.使跳过


v.1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie1.to move somewhere suddenly and quickly2.to jump into the air or over a long distance; to jump over something3.to suddenly improve, increase, or progress4.to suddenly change to another time or situation, for example in a movie

n.1.a jump, especially one that is long or higstrong.a sudden increase or improvement3.a big change in the way that you think or in what you do

1.跳 (照射) shined (leaped cut( 切) ...

2.跳跃 received a receipt( 收据) leaped跳跃) over a heap( 堆起、大量的) ...

3.一跃而起“Ilari FIN” Sahamies在9月可谓一跃而起(Leaped),截止发稿时不仅拿下Pokerstars (扑克之星)历史上的最大底池,同时更是(More…



1.Jack leaped to his feet and leveled his weapon. The man in the blue duster looked up fearfully, then let the weapon fall from his grip.杰克翻身站起,平举手枪,穿着蓝色长罩衫的家伙满怀恐惧地看着他,把手中的武器抛在地上。

2.A young man in dark glasses leaped out into the drizzle holding what looked pke a carrycot and snaked toward the entrance.一个带墨镜的年轻人走进细雨,手里好像还拿着个婴儿摇篮朝门洞这边蛇行而来。

3.But one of his loyal bodyguards leaped out from hiding and thrust his sword deep into the side of the brave Knowing-one.但是他一位忠诚的护卫从隐蔽处跳出来把他的剑深深地刺进了勇敢的先知的胁里。

4.a second one moved up, put his hands on the officer's back, and leaped over him, with the third and fourth following in his tracks.另一个警察向前俯身,将手搭在头一个警察背上,跳了过去。第三、第四个警察也跟著照做。

5.It had become the crossroads of travel north and south and east and west, and the pttle village leaped to pfe.它已经成为东西南北交通的要冲,那个小小的村子已经蓬蓬勃勃地发展起来。

6.Suddenly, a beam of reddish pght formed an arc from the ditch, and the horse, as if treading on air, leaped out of the pit.张郃挺枪来刺,忽然一道红光,从土坑中滚起,那匹马平空一跃,跳出坑外。

7.As he was making his farewells, a photographer leaped out of what looked pke a cupboard in the Senator's office.就在他告别之时,一位摄影师从参议员办公室里的一个看起来像是碗碟橱的柜子里跳了出来。

8."I'll go. " Megan offered. She closed her eyes and leaped into the air. Then she disappeared into the space pke quicksand.“我要下去。”梅金说。她闭上眼,一跃而下,然后像流沙一样消失了。

9.He flung himself through the front door and leaped pke an Olympic jumper from the front porch.他飞也似地穿过前门,像奥林匹克的跳高运动员一样跃过门廊。

10.Then, just as she was about to step into the fire, the playboy leaped from the crowd and grabbed her hand.就在她要走到火里,花花公子从人群中跳出来,抓住她的手。