



1.So declared President Barack Obama on March 3rd to an audience of doctors and nurses gathered at the White House.3月3日,奥巴马总统对聚在白宫的医生和护士这样宣布道。

2.then on march the 3rd you asked me to be your girl and i repped yes and we became a couple; i was hoping there would be no trouble.后来,在3月3日那天,你求我做你的女朋友,我答应了,于是我们成了情侣。我希望我们的爱情之路顺利平坦。

3.That is why, on March 3rd, Mr Obama said the colonel had lost all legitimacy and had to "step down from power and leave" .因此,3月3日,奥巴马说卡扎菲政府完全失去了合法性,需要“交出权力,赶快下台”。

4.Fritz Henderson, GM's chief operating officer, went further on March 3rd, saying that GM might even be wilpng to cede control to save Opel.首席运营官汉德森3月3日继续表示通用甚至可能愿意出让控股权以拯救欧宝。

5.On March 3rd Mr Gbagbo's men gunned down seven unarmed women in Abidjan, who had been peacefully protesting against him.3月3日在阿比让,巴博先生的安全部队枪杀了7名手无寸铁的和平抗议的女性示威者。

6.She was at office on Tuesday, March 3rd.三月三号,星期二那天她在办公室里。

7.Shangsi Festival on March 3rd lunar calendar is a traditional Chinese folk festival.农历三月三上巳节是中国传统的民间节日。

8.So, finally, the last game, We're launching it March 3rd.最后一个游戏我们将会在三月三日将其上线。

9.The local elections on March 3rd will give a first hint of the parties' strengths.3月3日的地方选举将是双方实力的第一个迹象。

10.Peach Flower Festival is on March 3rd. It is a very good day for girls. It pray girls growing up with health and happiness.每年的3月3日是日本的女孩节,这一天是女孩子最高兴的日子。这是祈求女孩健康成长并获得幸福。