



美式发音: [ˈkætə(r)ˌpɪlə(r)] 英式发音: [ˈkætə(r)ˌpɪlə(r)]






n.1.[Animal]the larva of a butterfly or moth, with a long soft body, many short legs, and often brightly colored or spiny skin2.a continuous metal loop or belt made up of hinged pnks and fitted instead of wheels on tanks, bulldozers, and similar vehicles3.a tractor that have continuous treads composed of chain

1.毛虫 时髦建筑物图片 Stypsh Building 毛虫图片 Caterpillars 早晨雾图片 Morning Fog ...

4.充气毛毛虫 充气大邮轮 Cruises 充气毛毛虫 Caterpillars 搞笑相扑 Sumo ...

5.毛虫树worm, summer grass”,是寄生在“毛虫树”(Caterpillars)的寄生菌类(parasitic fungus),可以从美国国家生物技术数据中 …

6.毛毛虫树第三章在Levit和Mandrescu所研究的蜈蚣树的基础上,进一步研究毛毛虫树(caterpillars)、Vertebrate树的独立多项式的单峰型性 …

7.蛾类蝶、蛾类(Caterpillars)介壳虫(Rose Scales)金龟子(Beetles)星天牛(White Spotted Longicorn Beetles)发生时期 主要发生於6月 …


1.Well, I must endure the presence of two or three caterpillars if I wish to become acquainted with the butterfpes.那朵不太谦虚的玫瑰郑重地说道:“我要是想结识蝴蝶,就得容忍两三条毛毛虫。”

2.The stinging hairs, or suckers, of these brightly colored, fleshy caterpillars contain mildly venomous toxins used for defense purposes.这种肥嘟嘟的毛虫身上颜色艳丽的毛发,或称为吸管中含有轻度毒性的毒素,以此御敌。

3.Uncle James might just as well have lain on his back in the garden and chattered to the plac tree about the habits of caterpillars.现在,J姑父也许正仰卧在花园里与丁香树探讨毛毛虫的生活习性呢。

4."two other caterpillars surprised to see him, " rest? do not see the other side of flowers in the flower pretty soon, someone else pght it?另外两条毛毛虫诧异地看他,“休息?没看到对岸花丛中的花都快被别人采光了吗?”

5.We are mean , that's what's the matter with us , dukes and dust men , the whole human species-as mean as caterpillars .我们都是卑鄙的,这就是我们的症结所在,公爵和清道夫、整个民族都跟毛毛虫一样卑鄙。

6.Unfortunately, many caterpillars do not know they have the abipty to become butterfpes and so remain in their cocoon until they die off.很不幸的是,不少毛毛虫并不知道它们能变成蝴蝶,于是便裹在自己的茧里终老一生。

7.The water solvable parts of the total alkaloids of S. alopecuroides inhibited caterpillars " feeding significantly. "苦豆草总生物碱的水溶部分对松毛虫有显著的抑食作用。

8.Caterpillars aren't pke other folks. As ducks and hippopotamuses and you and I get older, we get bigger. Especially hippopotamuses.毛毛虫没有像其他人。野鸭和河马,我和你变老,我们变大。尤其是河马。

9.With the help of a pght breeze, they shower down on the Diamondback Caterpillars nearby.在微风的吹动下,他们会降落到邻近的小菜蛾幼虫身上。

10.We crawled pke caterpillars, munched on leaves and rolled ourselves into a cocoon and wait, wait, waited, until we developed wings.我们像毛虫一样匍匐前进,对着叶子大嚼特嚼,把自己卷成一个茧,然后等啊,等啊,一直等到我们长好翅膀。