





5.定点投射的防守 ... 的分类,分别是「利用掩护」( off screen- 占了他出手的33.9%),「定点出


1.London takes the No. 2 spot, up from No. 5 a year ago, thanks to higher rents and a stronger British pound relative to the dollar.伦敦由去年的第五上升到第二的位置,这要感谢高昂的租金和英镑对美元的强势。

2.Also functions as a spot up shooter and a back to the basket scorer in the post.同时是一个定点射手和低位背筐得分手。

3.Obviously you don't convert him into a spot up shooter.很明显,你不能把他变成一个定点跳投手。

4.Sales in the home and networks division, which makes cable modems and digital video recorders, were a bright spot, up 7 percent.摩托罗拉公司还制造用于家庭和网络领域的有线调制解调器和数码摄像机,并且在此领域的销售成为了一个大大的亮点,销量上升7个百分点。

5.It's not as easy when you just have three spot-up shooters -- when the shot goes up, those three run the half-court (defense).对我们来说,如果你只有3名主力的射手,当你投篮时,那三个人却要跑回半场去防守。

6.I know a good spot up ahead where we can eat.我知道前面有个地方很棒,我们可以在那里吃饭。

7.Step 1: Spot Up To learn how to shoot the three-pointer, you must first know the basic fundamentals of how to shoot in general.要想学会投三分,首先你必须掌握基本的投篮技巧。