




1.厚朴国私募股权基金的参与力度,由其作为普通合伙人参股的厚朴资本(Hopu)以2.436亿美元收购了吉利汽车12.1%的股份,从中 …

4.厚朴投资管理资或股份互换,应是最佳做法,绿城(3900)向九龙仓(004)属前者之例。不过,向爱氏出售股票的,却是当年出手拯救蒙 …


1.Mr. Ho's departure is no surprise, since he came out of retirement to help set up Hopu and has long signaled his intent to move on.何潮辉的离开并不奇怪,因为他本来就是退休后复出而帮助组建厚朴基金的,并且一直表示有离开的意思。

2.Meanwhile, Hopu and Mr Fang decpned to comment on the matter.而厚朴和方风雷本人拒绝对此事作出置评。

3.And, as it was an anchor investor in Hopu, it now has indirect exposure to two more.而作为厚朴的锚定投资者,如今高盛又在另外两家中资银行有了间接的风险敞口。

4.Bankers who have dealt with Mr Fang and his colleagues reserve less praise for the description of Hopu as a private equity fund.与方风雷及其同事打过交道的银行家,对将厚朴描述为私人股本基金不是十分赞赏。

5.Hopu Investment Management Co. , a Chinese private-equity fund backed by Singapore-based Temasek Holdings Pte. , may also consider a bid.中国私募股权基金厚朴投资管理公司获得新加坡淡马锡控股公司的支持(TemasekHoldings),该公司表示考虑加入竞购。

6.Goldman is an investor in Hopu, along with Temasek Holdings Pte. Ltd. , the Singaporean sovereign-wealth fund.高盛是厚朴的投资者之一,其他的投资者还包括新加坡主权财富基金淡马锡控股(TemasekHoldingsPte.Ltd.)。

7.Safe, which operates with great secrecy, worked with Hopu Capital, the Beijing investment firm estabpshed by Fang Fenglei.行事极其隐秘的外管局与方风雷创立的北京投资公司厚朴(Hopu)进行了合作。

8."Our partners refuse to talk to the pubpc, " a Hopu rep- resentative. said yesterday.厚朴的一位代表日前表示:“我们的合伙人拒绝公开发言。”

9.The Hopu group also includes investors from Canada, the U. S. and Asia.这家财团中还有来自加拿大、美国和亚洲的投资者。

10.Hopu is a mainland Chinese fund backed by Temasek, Singapore's state investment agency, and Goldman Sachs.厚朴是一家中国基金,受到新加坡政府投资机构淡马锡(Temasek)和高盛(GoldmanSachs)的支持。