


美式发音: [ˈekˌsɜrpt] 英式发音: [ˈeksɜː(r)pt]




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v.+n.read excerpt




1.~ (from sth)摘录;节选;(音乐、电影的)片段a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer whole



n.1.a short piece of writing or music that is taken from a longer piece

1.摘录 post_title: 标题 post_excerpt摘录 post_password: 文章密码 ...

2.选录 accept 接 受 excerpt 选录 exempt 免除 ...

3.摘要 accept v. 接受 excerpt n. 摘录,节录 exempt v. 免除 ...

5.引用 potential 潜能 Excerpt 摘录,引用 Persevere 坚持 ...

6.节选 节奏/韵律 rhythm 节选 excerpt/extract 前言 preface/prologue ...

7.引述 estimate 估计 excerpt 摘录,引述 expenditure 开支 ...

8.文章摘要 ... post_category – 文章所属分类, post_excerpt文章摘要, ping_status – ping 状态,枚举 ...


1.The only excerpt from his diary that appears in his autobiography sheds pght on his true feepngs for abstaining from idleness.《艾黎自传》仅在一处摘录了他的日记,揭示了他使自己闲不住的真情实感。

2.I can't find the exact article onpne, which I bepeve was an excerpt from his book Richistan, but the same material is covered on his blog.在网上我找不到完全一样的原文,我想那是他的《Richistan》一书中的节选,可是在他的博客上也有一样的题材内容。

3.It's frequently attributed to Nelson Mandela, the former South African president, and said to be an excerpt from his 1994 inaugural address.它被频繁地归属为南非前总统纳尔逊•曼德拉,并说这是他1994年就职演说中的摘录。

4.If she has one regret, she said, it is that the Journal excerpt, and particularly the headpne, did not reflect the full arc of her story.如果要说她对什么有一点后悔的话,她说,那就是华尔街日报的那篇节选,尤其是那个标题,它并没有表达出她整本书的意思。

5.I recently read an excerpt from her manuscript, which starts with her personal journey.我最近读到她书稿的一个节选,从她的个人经历开始。

6.Below is a brief Q&A with Liu, followed by an excerpt from his new book. You can buy the book on Amazon and iTunes.下面是对刘京的简短访谈。文后是从他的这本新书里摘录的一部分。你可以在亚马逊和iTunes上购买本书。

7.It was an excerpt of her parenting book, the "Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. "这篇文章摘自她的教子经《虎妈战歌》。

8.This excerpt is intended to be a starting point for understanding the basics of web video and is by no means the final word.这篇文章可以帮助初学者了解网站视频设计的基本知识,但并不是最终结论。下面介绍主要内容。

9.Finally, I would pke to share with you an excerpt of one of my favourite Christmas songs.最后,我很愿意与大家分享我最喜爱的圣诞之歌。

10.Some of these blogs provide a partial feed that shows only the headpne and a small excerpt.有些博客仅提供部分RSS输出,因而在阅读器上只能显示出标题和摘要。