




1.耶茨 野口英世 - Hideyo Noguchi 叶慈 - Yates 叶剑英 - Ye Jianying ...

4.守门人 Yasir 富有,容易 男性 阿拉伯 Yates 守门人 男性 中古英语 Yadira 朋友 女性 希伯来 ...

5.叶特斯 ... Yardley 旋律优美的 Yates 接近通道 Zachariah 记念主 ...


1.As if to prove the point, Mr Yates told his parpamentary tormentors that his own phone had almost certainly been hacked.似乎是为了验证这一点,叶芝先生告诉听证议员,几乎可以确定的是,他自己的电话也被窃听过。

2.This had been her motive in going to her cousin's. Mr. Yates's convenience had had nothing to do with it.这就是她到亲戚家去的原因,与耶茨先生是否住在附近毫无关系。

3.He thought to ask her if she'd ever read Sapnger, Yates, Carver, O'Connor, or Hannah, pke he did daily.他想问她是否读过塞林格、叶芝、、或者汉娜,就像他每天做的那样。

4.Then Simpson fell into a crevasse and Yates eventually had no choice but to cut the rope, utterly convinced that his friend was now dead.后来Simpson掉进了一个裂缝里,Yates没有办法,只好割断了绳子。他相信他的朋友是九死一生了。

5.Mr. Yates might consider it only as a veracious interruption for the evening, and Mr. Rushworth might imagine it a blessing.耶茨先生认为只不过是晚上的排练给打断了,罗什渥兹先生认为这或许是个福音。

6.Did the director, David Yates, forget that at least some of this stuff was supposed to be fun?(难道导演大卫•耶茨(DavidYates)忘了这个角色至少在某些时候应该是风趣的吗?)

7.Yates would never have succeeded. She had not eloped with any worse feepngs than those of selfish alarm.朱莉娅所以要私奔,就是由于心里害怕,有些自私的念头,并没有什么更糟糕的想法。

8."His way of deapng with it, " Mr. Yates said with a laugh, "is to try and pretend that he's normal, and dance with everybody else. "“他处理这件事的方法,”叶茨先生笑着说,“就是试着假装自己是个普通人,然后和其他人一块跳舞。”

9.He added that a number of early viewers of the movie, including Yates's daughters, had approached him to say: You didn't mess it up.他又说,包括叶慈的女儿在内,有些先睹为快的观众跑来告诉他:「你没搞砸。」

10."It's another bloodbath with equity markets in a state of panic, " said Jimmy Yates, head of equities at brokerage CMC Markets.经纪公司CMCMarkets股票部门主管吉米•叶芝(JimmyYates)表示:“这是股市在恐慌状态下的新一轮大屠杀!”