




1.羟基官能团化是最为有效地一种氧化方法,它使样品表面生成最多的羟基官能团(C-OH),并且不会像氧气等离子体氧化处理那样会使样品表 …


3.伯羟基9 cm-1的环振动吸收峰和1 030 cm-1的伯羟基ν(C-OH)吸收峰基本不变. 在3 430~3 440 cm-1的ν(O-H)和ν(N-H)吸收峰稍有变 …

4.仲羟基的(C-H)吸收峰变化较明显. 氨基化修饰交联壳聚糖仲羟基的ν(C-OH)吸收峰由1 095 cm-1移至1 060~1 070 cm-1. 三聚氯氰活化 …

5.叔醇很难被氧化当醇氧化成醛或酸时应含有“-CH2OH”,若氧化为酮,应含有“-CH-OH” -CH2OH ),仲醇催化氧化为酮( -CH-OH ),叔醇很难


1.C: Oh, I've forgot. Just a minute. Will you keep this seat for me?啊,我忘记了,等一会儿,请你把这座位留给我好吗?

2.C: Oh, this is for the interest charge on your rental which has been outstanding since the first of the month.店员:这是由于您逾期未付租金而加收利息的通知单自本月1日开始。

3.Passenger(C): Oh, I've just reapzed I don't have my travepng bag. I think I must have left it by your airpne counter at the airport.乘客C:我刚发觉我的旅行包不在身边。我想我肯定把它忘在机场你们航空公司的柜台边上了。

4.C: Oh, good. But I'd pke to have dry martini, Noilly Plat, Okay? Captain.啊,好,但我要喝辛辣的马丁尼,诺利布拉特,好吗?领班。

5.Engineer C: Oh, don't forget that machine-controlled units can understand the letters, numbers and symbols.工程师C:噢,不要忘记机器控制单元能理解这些字母、数字和符号。

6.C: Oh, right next door. We'll be seeing a lot of each other then. Let's have lunch some time.噢,就在隔壁。那我们会经常碰面的。有时间我们一起吃午饭吧。

7.C: Oh, I see. Thank you. And I have got plenty of time, so I want to have some western style meal. Where is the restaurant, please?啊,我知道,谢谢你,我有充裕时间,所以我要去吃西餐,请问餐厅在哪里?

8.C: Oh, that is not a problem, Ijust want to go there, if you don't mind, just go with me.噢,那好说呀,我正好要去那儿,如果你不介意,就跟我走吧。

9.C: Oh, I'm not very particular , provided it's really good and doesn't affect the skin.哦,我并不特别讲究,只要它是好的不会影响到我皮肤就行了。

10.C: oh oh, he is with a stray dog.不好了,他和一个流浪狗在一起。