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3.播放鸟壹 鸟壹 Bird I 播放鸟壹 Bird I 鸟花人 Bird Flower Hunam ...


1.The hunter reached out for the bird. "I will have to kill it, " he said. "The bird will soon die anyway. "猎人伸脱手索要那只鸟。“我会杀逝世它的,”他道。“归正鸟立刻便要死了。”

2.The Stork From long descriptions I have heard I guess this creature is a bird. I've nothing else of him to say, Except I wish he'd go away.从我已听到的长长的描述,我猜想这生物是一只鸟。对于他我无话可说,只是希望他已走掉。

3."Alas, " cries the cage bird, "I should not know where to sit perched in the sky. "“可怜呐,”笼中的鸟儿叫道,“在天空中我不知道哪里栖止了。”

4.It could rain tomorrow If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.假若我是一只鸟,我就能在天空中飞翔。

5.If I were a bird, I prefer be a hawk, Because I can fly in the sky. I can enjoy scenery of the world.我宁愿做一只老鹰。因为我能在高空中飞翔,我能享受这个世界的风景。

6.If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky freely.要是我是一只鸟,我就能自由自在地在天空飞翔。

7.Light as a bird I fpt about from one quarter to another. It's as though I had been released from prison.我像小鸟一样轻松地由一条街飞奔到另一条街,仿佛刚从牢房里放出来。

8.If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.我要是一只鸟,我就能够在天空中飞翔。

9.If I were a bird, I prefer to be a forest doctor woodpecker. Because I can help the trees.我宁愿做一只森林医生啄木鸟。因为我能帮助那些树木。

10.When it was time to get him into the cage for the night, I put out a hand. "Nice Wendell, nice bird, " I baby talked.到晚上该把它放进笼子时,我伸出一只手,像哄小孩一样说:“好温德尔,好乖乖。”