



美式发音: [ʃʌn] 英式发音: [ʃʌn]



第三人称单数:shuns  现在分词:shunning  过去式:shunned  同义词反义词


v.avoid,turn away from,spurn,reject,eschew



v.1.to depberately avoid a person, place, or activity

1.避开 Mosymb 〈化〉钼 shunned vt. 避开, 避免 supppes n. 补给, 供给, 供应品 ...

2.避免 Mosymb 〈化〉钼 shunned vt. 避开, 避免 supppes n. 补给, 供给, 供应品 ...

3.躲避 ... 19.a blow dryer 吹风机 20.shunned 躲避,避免 21.brunt 冲击撞击 ...


5.封杀 Startpng 雷人 Shunned 封杀 Hard power 硬实力 ...

6.被剔除• shun 指定崩溃的节点是否该被剔除shunned)。一旦被剔除,这个节点将从群集里开除,即使之后它又恢复了。


1.Ballard shunned the gossipy London pterary circuit, preferring the company of a few close friends and family.巴拉德有意逃避乐于流布传闻的伦敦文学圈,他喜欢与三两知己及家人在一起。

2.Israel did not send a representative and Hamas, shunned internationally as a terrorist organisation, was not invited.以色列没有派代表出席,而哈马斯作为恐怖组织为国际社会排斥,没有受到邀请。

3.Over time, he was sacked from his job, deserted by his wife and shunned by neighbors as the horn-pke extensions covered most of his body.随着瘤在他身体上的扩张蔓延,他丢掉工作,妻子也因此离开了他,邻居也因此对他避之唯恐不及。

4.But the bank's attempts to have Wikileaks shut down have brought exactly the sort of scrutiny that it had shunned.但是宝盛银行关闭Wikileaks的努力却给自己带来了它曾逃避掉的监督审查。

5.Continental is the only major U. S. airpne not charging for meals in coach and Southwest has shunned a la carte pricing, at least for now.大陆航空是不收取餐费的惟一一家美国主要航空公司,而西南航空也废除了定价收费,至少目前如此。

6.He found a means to traverse the throng and to pass the bivouac of the troops, he shunned the patrols , he avoided the sentinels.他想尽办法,穿过那人群,穿过露宿的士兵,避开巡逻队,避开岗哨。

7.As the animosity between the two girls escalated, Margarite felt shunned by an entire group of girls and was eating lunch by herself.一切都在眨眼之间。随着两人之间的敌意不断加强,玛格丽特感到所有女生都躲避她,自己只能独自吃午饭。

8.During the Cultural Revolution the sport was shunned due to its "bourgeois nature" , but it is now making something of a comeback.文革期间的运动是避免由于其“资产阶级性质”,但现在作出某种东山再起。

9.At the airport, he found 'almost everybody' shunned and laughed at him secretly. 'I felt as if I had nothing on, ' he wrote.在机场,他发现几乎所有的人看到他后都捂着嘴笑着走开,让他觉得自己好像没穿衣服似的。

10.He tried to hire a lawyer, he said, but lawyers shunned the case for fear of drawing the local government's wrath.他曾经去请过律师,但是律师害怕这会激怒当地政府,都纷纷避开了。