




1.红太阳 the natural word 自然界 108 the red sun 红太阳 109 thumb / fat boys 大拇指 110 ...

2.太阳红 ... New Dream Of The Lovers 新鸳鸯蝴蝶梦 The Red Sun 太阳红(太阳最红毛主席最亲) Grand River 一条大河( …

3.红日高照 Pleasure of Nature 大自然的享乐 The Red Sun 红日高照 Mountain 山抺微云 ...

4.译为 “红日”指日本国旗,译为 the red sun, 解。又,“这大时代”按内涵译为 these stormy times, ...


1.Sluggishly rising pile of fire, burning out in the col, I do not know is the red sun rising or the continuation of the evening.慢腾腾升起那堆火,又在山坳燃明,不知是升起的红日还是延续的黄昏。

2.The red sun but is reflected on in the water on river level, as if resembpng a mirror.河面上,红红的太阳倒映在水中,像一面镜子似的。

3.Only a short while ago, the red sun, interval Shan Dai, a Yun Qing, forest around the smoke straight.曾几何时,那轮红日,间隔山岱,一抹云青,林绕轻烟直。

4.A few minutes later, the red sun rose slowly from behind the high-rise5 buildings, the ground was coated with golden color.一会儿,红灿灿的太阳从高耸的5楼群后面缓缓上升,大地被镀上一层金黄。

5.The Red Sun Group Corporation is a state large enterprise group set up by 22 corporations of whole capital and stock holding.红太阳集团公司是由22家全资和控股公司为紧密层企业组建的国家大型企业集团。

6.In spring morning, the red sun is rising, the air is fresh, the birds are singing.在春天的早晨,红色的太阳冉冉升起,清新的空气,鸟儿的歌唱。

7.In the meantime, the red sun of the Group of changes in equity complex, more ironic way.其间,红太阳集团股权性变更复杂,方式更令人啼笑皆非。

8.For revenge, the red sun gang sent them to the best killer, a 19-year-old ice-skating athletes go revenge revenge.为了复仇,这个帮会派出他们最优秀的杀手,一名19岁的溜冰好手去寻仇报复。

9.One times, I and my friends in our housing estate play together, hide and seek, from the red sun rises from the east to.有一次,我与我们的伙伴在小区一起玩游戏,捉迷藏,从旭日东升一。

10.The azure sky and the red sun remain unchanged, but can we meet again after this departure?蓝蓝的天在红红的太阳下面,曾经的日子别后是否相见?