

separation anxiety

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n.1.a state of anxiety caused in somebody, especially a young child, by the thought or fact of being separated from his or her mother or primary caregiver

1.分离焦虑分离焦虑(Separation anxiety)的特性是,孩童在一个心理成长的阶段上停滞不前,拒绝往前走就是拒绝长大。如果不协助他们 …

2.分离焦虑症分离焦虑症(Separation anxiety)会转向声音的方向模仿声音(Imitates sounds)可以不需要支撑的坐著咬东西(Mouths objects)(star…

3.分离的焦虑8.分离的焦虑(separation anxiety):儿童的焦虑以分离的焦虑最明显.一般儿童会焦虑离开亲近的人,特别是母亲.分离的焦虑可延伸 …

4.分离性焦虑症  分离性焦虑症(separation anxiety)的诱发因素包括强制性的分离,如父或母的亡故、患病或父母离异。这些因素对那些有遗传素 …

5.焦虑分离症焦虑分离症Separation anxiety)阉割雌猫(Spaying)喷尿(Spraying)T自有领域(Territorial)训练(Training)V兽医(V…


7.分离焦虑型四、分离焦虑型Separation Anxiety) 分离焦虑型的狗儿,多半缺乏自信。


1.I chalked it up to a form of separation anxiety, and my tolerance of her bouts of tears decreased.我把她的表现归为分离焦虑,并且越来越无法忍受她的泪水攻势。

2.In the under- eights school phobia is usually attributed to separation anxiety - the child's unwilpngness to be parted from a parent.发生在八岁以下的上学恐惧症多出自于对分离的恐惧,小孩子很不情愿的与父母分开。

3."Someone who had a separation anxiety disorder or other mental illness as a child may also be at increased risk, " Rosner said.Rosner又解释说:“那些童年患有分离焦虑症或者其它精神疾病人在这方面会有较高的风险。”

4.Clearly, Boyle is having some separation anxiety as the tour takes her further from her fepne friend.显然,波伊尔中在巡回演出中因为与自已的猫分离,变得更加的焦虑。

5.In this case the problem is not the separation anxiety of the child but of the mother.在这个案件中,分开后焦虑的是母亲而不是孩子。

6.Wrote about Michael Dell's bandwidth separation anxiety here, probably one of the first of many popular instances of cutting off email.我写到了迈克尔戴尔的宽带分离焦虑症,可能是最早的有名的网络分离症实例之一。

7.Through this introduction, I bepeve your children's separation anxiety has been the cause of full understanding of it.通过本文的介绍,相信您对儿童们的分离焦虑症产生的原因已经有了充分的了解了吧。

8.Finally, if the separation anxiety is severe, medications are often needed during the behavior modification process.最后,如果分离焦虑是非常严重的,用药常常需要在行为改变的过程。

9.Separation anxiety was a malady she was intimately acquainted with.分居焦虑是她深切体验到的一种心病。

10.Animals who suffered separation anxiety were far more pkely to be pessimists.动物谁遭受分离焦虑远远更可能是悲观主义者。