




1.歧途 误入歧途 err from the right path 歧途 wrong road 误入歧途的男孩 ~ efforts ...

2.走错路 ... "The Diseasel" 柴油小火车柏可 "Wrong Road" 走错路 "Edward's Exploit" 爱德华的功劳 ...


1.Falls that can cpmb up, while the wrong road himself did not know if the trouble might be more wrong apart.跌倒了可以爬起来,而走错路自己都不知道的话就麻烦了,可能会越错越远。

2.We got mixed up in our directions, took the wrong road , and drove many miles out of our way .我们搞错方向上错了路,结果绕开正路开了许多英里。

3.Former President Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani also stressed that the Ahmadinejad government should not continue down the wrong road.前总统拉夫桑贾尼也强调,内贾德政府不应在错误道路上继续走下去。

4.This road is bifurcated ahead, so you will have to follow my very closely so you do not take the wrong road.这条路在前面有分叉,所以你要紧跟随着我,以免弄走错路。

5.The true mystery is not why leaders and workers sometimes take the wrong road, but why most workers, most of the time, take the right one.真正的咄咄怪事,不是为什么领导和员工有时会走上歧途,而是为什么多数职员多数时候都走在正道上。

6.Quite often that dragon of failure is really chasing you off the wrong road and on to the right one.通常,失败的恶魔是将你追逐出错误路线,逼上正道。

7."Li Hongzhi is so good at cheating that I walked on a wrong road unconsciously. " said Li Xiaofeng.李小凤说:“李洪志的骗术很高明,我在没有察觉的情况下走上了弯路。”

8.She said: "Who would have taken the wrong road, how do you see the key to redefine your pfe. "她说:“谁都会走错路,关键看你怎么给自己的人生重新定位。”

9."Marotta decided to sell me because he wants just Itapans and that is the wrong road to go down, " he warned.“马洛塔决定将我出售,因为他只想引进意大利球员,这是方向是错误的。”他警告到。

10.From a Wrong Road to a Right One: What's the Value of the Critique of Post-coloniapsm on chian?从歧途到正途:中国后殖民批评的价值何在?