




1.行政复议 刑讯逼供 interrogate by torture 行政复议 administrative reconsideration 犹大 collaborator ...

2.行政复查 ... administrative reconsideration 行政复查,行政复议 administrative recuperation 行政补偿 ...


1.The expenses on administrative reconsideration shall be included in and guaranteed by the budget of the organ.行政复议活动所需经费,应当列入本机关的行政经费,由本级财政予以保障。

2.Though different nations define administrative reconsideration variably , the fundamental connotation remain apparent consistence.虽然各国对行政复议的称呼不尽相同,但基本内涵却存在着明显的一致性。

3.These Measures shall apply to the administrative reconsideration cases handled by the environmental protection administrative departments.环境保护行政主管部门办理行政复议案件,适用本办法。

4.An apppcant or third party engaging an attorney shall submit to the administrative reconsideration department the power of attorney.申请人、第三人委托代理人的,应当向行政复议机构提交授权委托书。

5.The rules exppcitly stipulated in the Administrative Reconsideration Law shall be earnestly and substantially implemented.对行政复议法有明确规定的制度,要认真贯彻落实,不能走形式。

6.by a third party in the administrative reconsideration shall not affect the hearing of the administrative reconsideration case.第三人不参加行政复议,不影响行政复议案件的审理。

7.Being an administrative remedy means, administrative reconsideration is widely popular in all nations' administrative censorship systems.行政复议作为一种行政救济手段,广泛存在于各国的行政审查体制中。

8.Administrative reconsideration system is earnestly implemented.认真实施行政复议制度。

9.This article is divided into four parts: First, review the system of administrative reconsideration positioning.本文共分四个部分:一、行政复议审查制度定位。

10.The administrative reconsideration department may conduct field investigations to check the evidence concerned in this case when necessary.海关行政复议机构认为必要时可以实地调查核实证据;