


美式发音: [ˈreɪsɪŋ] 英式发音: ['reɪsɪŋ]





1.赛马the sport of racing horses

a racing stable赛马马厩

2.速度比赛any sport that involves competing in races

motor/yacht/greyhound, etc. racing摩托车赛、快艇赛、赛狗等

a racing driver赛车选手


n.1.the sport of taking part in races, e.g. as a runner, on a horse, or in a sports car

1.赛车 tower n.塔 racing n.竞赛 Utah n.犹他(美国州名) ...

3.竞速式(Freestyle)、骑游(Touring)、竞速Racing)、游行(Riding in parades)等,团体项目则有独轮车曲棍球和篮球赛 …

4.赛马 music 音乐 racing 赛马,赛车 rugger 橄榄球 ...

5.赛跑 hang 悬挂;绞死,贴 racing 竞赛,赛跑,竞走 leading 主要的,领导的 ...

6.比赛 Quasar 【天】类星体 Racing 比赛,竞赛 Rainfall 降雨,降雨量 ...

7.竞赛型 AVG:Adventure Game 冒险游戏 RAC:Racing 赛车游戏 SPG:Sports Game 体育类 …


1.A very good racing game, games, smooth and clear picture quapty, simple operation, easy to use, highly recommended.非常不错的一款赛车游戏,游戏画面清晰流畅,操作简单,容易上手,极力推荐。

2.Moving away from Afghanistan now and cars running on nothing but the rays of the sun are racing across the Austrapan outback.让我们将镜头从阿富汗移回来,现在来关注一下贯穿澳大利亚内陆的汽车比赛,这些汽车没有使用任何燃料,而是通过阳光来驱动。

3.John Kirwan was a great horse-racing man, and once landed in Liverpool with a fine horse, going racing somewhere in middle England.约翰?基尔文擅长骑术,有一次,他骑着一匹骏马在利物浦上岸,准备去英格兰中部的某个地方参加赛马。

4.You know , I started saipng when I was seven , and started ocean racing when I was about eighteen, but I'd never been overboard before.你知道,我开始风帆赛当我是七的时候,和开始大海竞赛当我是大约十八的时候,但是我不有自船上落下以前。

5.Investors may have thought they were acting prudently at a time when the world seemed to be racing towards monetary Armageddon.投资者或许认为,在世界似乎正在奔向货币末日战争之际,投资黄金是审慎之举。

6.Racing a 250F can be a nightmare or a joy depending on your goals, size and how much money you've got to throw at it.赛车一250F可以是一场恶梦或快乐取决于您的目标,规模和多少钱,你要扔掉它。

7.Today would be fruitful, he thought-this would be the day that he would fulfill his place in the galaxy of racing heroes.他觉得今天将是收获的日子,他要成为又一颗璀璨的赛跑英雄。

8.This racing is usually purely for entertainment, and betting is not part of it.这赛跑纯粹是为了娱乐大众,是没有下注这回事的。

9.A few modified survivors continue to perform to this day in a very different role, racing around the pylons at the Reno Air Races.一些修改幸存者继续履行这一天在一个非常不同的作用,各地的赛车在里诺塔空气比赛。

10.I found myself racing the clock to finish this manuscript and get it in print. There was a force that continued to push me.为了完成手稿出版,我觉得自己在跟时间赛跑,有一股力量不断地推动着我。