




1.粗面黑色 KUFF/ 头巾 X6 M BLACK (黑色) 不锈钢外壳 suunto SS004768000 vector 矢量表带 ...

3.粗面黑AN), 浅品红(LIGHT MAGENTA), 粗面黑(M BLACK) ,灰色(GY)

4.墨黑【全8色】墨黑(M BLACK)/羽白(M WHITE)/晶褐(P TAUPE)/金棕(P BROWN)/亮澄(P BEIGE)/粉晶(P PINK)/湛蓝( P LIGHT BLU…


1.I tell him he's black, he tells me I'm black, and a woman in a shop tells us to get away from that door.我说他黑不溜秋的,他说我也黑不溜秋的,而一家商店里的女人则叫我们离她门口远点。

2.lI've had so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.我跌了很多跤,浑身数摔得清一块紫一块。

3.I've so many falls that I'm black and blue all over.我摔了这么多跤,弄得全身青一块紫一块的。

4.I'm black in the eyes of the popce, or an employer.在警察眼中我是黑人,在老板眼里我还是黑人。

5.I'm black, I don't feel burdened by it and I don't think it's a huge responsibipty. It's part of who I am. It does not define me.我是黑人,我不觉得这是个负担,也不觉得这是个责任。这就是我的一部分。但它不能定义我。

6.I have had so many falls that I'm black and blue.我摔了如此多跤以至我全身青红紫绿。

7.I'm tired of being poor and even worse I'm black!我已经厌烦生存在贫困中不过更糟的是我是一个黑人。

8.When i am under the sun, i'm black.当我在阳光下的时候,我是黑色的。

9.When I'm sick, I'm black .我生病了,我是黑色的。

10.Now I'm down on my luck and I'm black and blue现在我倒在我的运气上,遍体鳞伤