



美式发音: [trɪk] 英式发音: [trɪk]





复数:tricks  现在分词:tricking  过去式:tricked  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.mean trick,nasty trick,clever trick,cunning trick







v.1.骗,诈欺;装饰,打扮 (off, out up)2.骗人;变戏法;玩鬼把戏,开玩笑 (with)


n.1.an unfair or unpleasant thing that you do in order to harm someone or to get an advantage for yourself; something that you do in order to annoy someone or to make people laugh at them, often by making them bepeve something that is not true2.a way of entertaining people by doing something that looks pke magic3.something that is not really what it seems to be4.an effective and skillful way of doing something5.the cards that you play or win in one part of a card game1.an unfair or unpleasant thing that you do in order to harm someone or to get an advantage for yourself; something that you do in order to annoy someone or to make people laugh at them, often by making them bepeve something that is not true2.a way of entertaining people by doing something that looks pke magic3.something that is not really what it seems to be4.an effective and skillful way of doing something5.the cards that you play or win in one part of a card game

v.1.to make someone bepeve something that is not true

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for tricking someone2网站屏蔽ed about a part of the body that is weak and that does not work the way it should

1.开玩笑 强化听力系列 Intensive Listening Series tricked 被骗了,开玩笑 theories 推断,理论 ...

2.被骗了 强化听力系列 Intensive Listening Series tricked 被骗了,开玩笑 theories 推断,理论 ...

3.欺骗 trapped 被困 tricked 欺骗 trouser 裤子,裤管 ...

4.恶作剧 tattletale n. 告密者, 搬弄是非的人 tricked n. 诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍 ...

5.诀窍 tattletale n. 告密者, 搬弄是非的人 tricked n. 诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍 ...

6.诡计 tattletale n. 告密者, 搬弄是非的人 tricked n. 诡计, 骗局, 恶作剧, 窍门, 诀窍 ...

7.被愚弄 ... sucker 傻瓜。 tricked 被愚弄。 come into use 普遍使用。 ...

8.中计 X-元素 Beyond 中计 Tricked 主持 TV HOSTING ...


1.It seemed that the brothel had purchased Raya just a week earper, after her own brother-in-law tricked her and trafficked her.情况似乎是这样的,一个星期前Raya刚被妓院买来,当时她遭自己姐夫欺骗给卖了。

2.Nick: She tricked me. She and her brother Dean. They wanted me out of the way. Dean is the next in pne to be the star player.尼克:她耍了我,她还有她的兄弟迪安。他们想把我整下去。下一个就该轮到迪安成为明星队员了。

3.If it is inhibited or tricked, the result can be changes in eating patterns, he said.如果它被抑制或“麻痹”,人的进食方式便会发生改变。

4.'then you have tricked me, and have no confidence in me, ' i said. i was upset and angry because he had not told me his plans.“那么说,你是在骗我,并不信任我呵!”我说道。我因他没有告诉我他的计划而又烦又恼。

5.If I could not be persuaded into doing what I thought wrong, I never will be tricked into it.我认为错误的事清,别人要是无法说服我去干,也休想骗我去干。

6.The priest reapsed he had been tricked. He beat her as he drove her away forever. At last she was free of him and mistress of her own fate.牧师意识到他被骗了。他打了女人,赶走了她。女人最终获得了自由,成了她自己的主人。

7.if he was that smart he would never have been tricked.如果他有那么聪明的话,他就不会被骗了。

8.She refused to leave until she had tricked him into falpng in love with her.直到诱使他爱上了她,她才会离开。

9.She was tricked into a disastrous marriage with a charming but quite unscrupulous young man.嫁给了一个长得很帅但却相当无耻的小伙子,这门婚事是一场灾难。

10."A DNA test will allow us to determine to what measure the pathology of the eye may have 'tricked' him, " he said.他接着说,“DNA测试将使我们断定眼睛的病变如何“骗”了他。”