


美式发音: [həˈrɑ] 英式发音: [hə'rɑ:]






hurrah— see alsohooray





na.1.The variant of hurray

1.万岁 hurdle 跳栏,障碍 hurrah 好哇,万岁,乌拉 hurried 仓促的,慌忙的 ...

2.好哇 humor 幽默,诙谐 hurrah 好哇! jazz 爵士音乐 ...

3.欢呼声 Fahrenheit( 华氏), hurrah欢呼声), landau( 四轮车), ...

4.乌拉 hurdle 跳栏,障碍 hurrah 好哇,万岁,乌拉 hurried 仓促的,慌忙的 ...

5.好啊 ... Horrible! / Terrible! 好可怕! 64. Hurray! / Hurrah! 好啊! 67. Hush! / Shush! / Shh! (肃静)嘘! 68. ...

6.呼万岁 last hurrah (或尝试) hurrah 呼万岁 hurrah 欢呼声 ...


1." Maybe this Christmas was his last hurrah , and he'll start cutting back in1988" he said.他说:“这个圣诞节可能是他最后一次欢乐。1988年他就要削减开支了。”

2.The eight year old school boy has remained true to his purpose and one can just hear his classmates giving him a warm round of HURRAH!那位当年八岁的学生,仍然信守他的目表,人们仍可听到他的同学向他热烈地欢呼!

3.They cheered hurrah so loudly for Andy Jackson during his presidential campaign that they became known as the hurrah boys.他们在杰克逊总统竞选期间大声欢呼,他们也因此被称为“欢呼男孩”。

4.The street boys stood on tiptoe and shouted "hurrah, " and whistled between their fingers; altogether it was a very splendid affair.这条街男孩站在脚尖,高呼“乌拉”,与他们的手指吹起口哨,完全是一个非常精彩的事。

5.I see even if is to push, the price of paid also is good enough to let them to cry a father to hurrah Niang of!我看就算是能推了,所付出的代价也足以让他们哭爹喊娘的了!

6.They cheered hurrah, so loudly for Andy Jackson during his presidential campaignThatthat they became known as the hurrah boys.他们在杰克逊总统竞选期间大声欢呼,并因此得到了“欢呼男孩”的称号。

7.Toward the end of construction, however, Mr. Cartwright invited Austrapa's skateboarding community for one last hurrah.不过,住宅将要完工的时候,罗杰向澳大利亚的滑板爱好者们发出了邀请,让他们来参加一次最后的狂欢。

8.Stand by, your glasses steady, drink in your comrade's eyes. Here's a toast to the dead already and hurrah for the next to die.立正站好,把被子端稳了。喝的时候看着你战友的眼睛。这杯敬那些已经牺牲的,并为下一个要牺牲的致敬。

9.The funeral was the last hurrah of its predecessor, the 19th.这场葬礼是此前100年——19世纪——最后的挽歌。

10.on the right side of the battery , soldiers , with shouts of hurrah , were running , not forward , it seemed to pierre , but back.炮垒右侧,士兵一边喊着“乌拉”,一边跑,皮埃尔觉得他们仿佛不是向前,而是在向后跑。