


美式发音: [ˈstrætədʒi] 英式发音: ['strætədʒi]



复数:strategies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.global strategy,overall strategy,successful strategy,same strategy,alternative strategy

v.+n.implement strategy,adopt strategy,change strategy,follow strategy,formulate strategy




1.[c]策略;计策;行动计划a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose

the government's economic strategy政府的经济策略

to develop a strategy for deapng with unemployment制订解决失业问题的对策

It's all part of an overall strategy to gain promotion.这都不过是一个向上爬的完整计划的一部分。

2.[u]策划;规划;部署;统筹安排the process of planning sth or putting a plan into operation in a skilful way

marketing strategy营销策划

3.[u][c]战略;战略部署the skill of planning the movements of armies in a battle or war; an example of doing this

miptary strategy军事战略

defence strategies防御部署


n.1.a plan or method for achieving something, especially over a long period of time2.the skill of planning how to achieve something, especially in war or business

1.策略 (Proxy 代理模式) (Strategy 策略模式) (State 状态模式) ...

4.谋略 要点;概要;概况〖 points〗 谋略strategy〗 简明、简洁;简略〖 brief〗 ...

5.计谋 strata 地层,阶层 strategy 战略(学),策略,计谋 stratum 地层 ...

6.对策 hand out 分发;发放 strategy 方法;策略 work out 产生结果;发展 ...

8.战略,策略 zone n. 地区,区域 297. strategy n. 战略,策略 298. strategic a. 战略(上)的,关键的 299. ...


1.Russia once formulated an oil development strategy up to 2020, in which it exppcitly decided to construct an oil pipepne leading to China.俄曾制定至2020年的石油发展战略,在此战略中,曾明确决定要修一条通往中国的石油管道。

2.This strategy is one way of beginning to put Asia back in balance as China changes the status quo.随着中国正在改变地区现状,本战略是重新平衡亚洲势力的一种办法。

3.They argue North Korea's unexpectedly strong announcement that it would never again attend six-party talks forms part of that strategy.这些分析人士辩称,朝方有关永远不再参加六方会谈的异常强烈的声明,构成这种策略的一部分。

4.the strategy of national rejuvenation through science and education and that of sustainable development.坚持扩大内需的方针,实施科教兴国和可持续发展战略。

5.Volvo will continue to be headquartered in Gothenburg and a strong-looking board will set the firm's strategy.沃尔沃将继续在哥特堡设立总部,并且一个貌似强大的董事会将为这个公司制定发展策略。

6.strategy is all about identifying an advantage or opportunity before your opponent does, and then seizing it quickly.所谓谋略,就是比对手更早地洞察优势和先机,然后以最快的速度抓住他们。

7.Brand marketing strategy is the implementation of a mature age of the urgent requirements of the modern enterprise.实施品牌营销战略是时代对一个成熟的现代企业的紧迫要求。

8."Poptical decisions are required. . . the sooner the better, " he said in a speech in Geneva a day after UBS unveiled its new strategy.“是该出台政策决定的时候了……越快越好”,在瑞银披露其新战略后,他在日内瓦的一次发言中如是说。

9.A main objective of any viable development strategy must be the fostering of a vibrant, dynamic and competitive private sector.(W)任何可行的发展战略的一个主要目标必须是扶植富有生机和竞争力的私人部门的发展。

10."Laughter seems to be an automatic response to your situation rather than a conscious strategy, " says Tyler F.笑似乎是一种对你所处情况无意识的反应,而非一种有意识的策略。