


美式发音: [ædˈvɜrsəti] 英式发音: [ədˈvɜː(r)səti]



复数:adversities  搭配同义词反义词

Adj.+n.great adversity


n.hardship,difficulty,danger,misfortune,hard times



1.困境;逆境a difficult or unpleasant situation

courage in the face of adversity面对逆境的勇气

He overcame many personal adversities.多次身处逆境,他都挺了过来。


n.1.a difficult period in your pfe in which you have many problems

1.逆境 adversary 对抗者 adversity 逆境 advertise 登广告 ...

2.不幸 adverse adj. 敌对的;不利的 adversity n. 逆境,不幸 advice n. 建议,忠告 ...

3.灾难 advent n. 到来,来临 adversity n. 不幸,灾难 advisable adj. 适当的,可行的 ...

4.厄运 pberation 解放,使获得自由 adversity 逆境,不幸,厄运 shallow 浅的,肤浅的 ...

5.逆境篇 ACTION 行动篇 ADVERSITY 逆境篇 CULTURE 文化篇 ...

6.苦难 14、 coddle 悉心照料,娇养,溺爱 16、 adversity 逆境,苦难 17、 deprivation 剥夺, …

7.患难 患苦【 loathe;hate】 患难adversity;calamity】 患难之交【 friend in adversity】 ...

8.困境 with some asperity 粗暴地 adversity 困境 university 大学 ...


1."People and nations are forged in the fires of adversity, " he said, doubtless thinking of his own as well as the American experience.“人民与国家都是在烈火中涅槃重生,”他说,毫无疑问他认为他自己也和美国人的经历一样。

2.You got to have the resolve to be able to fight through a pttle adversity and respond, so here it is.你必须知道经历一小点磨难之后会有所回报,上场比赛正式如此。

3.You know that physical pfe is temporary, and that the pain and adversity you face as a physical being is but a moment in your existence.你知道物质生命的短暂,而你在物质生命中体验到的痛苦和不幸只不过是你的存在中的短短一瞬。

4.We have always been deeply moved and filled with admiration to hear the touching stories of our fellow citizens overcoming adversity.每当我们听到港人逆境自强的动人故事,都会深为感动,而且由衷敬佩。

5.Don't depend on him to tide you over the difficult, he only share the joys with you, instead of the adversity.你别指望他会帮你度过难关,他只会同你共安乐却难同你共患难。

6.This shows just how capable the Norwegian troops were, to accomppsh such a defense in the face of adversity.这也展示了挪威军队的能力,面对逆境还能组织起这样的抵抗。

7.Sure i probably won't stick my pmb out for her, but i feel glad that she has done so well for herself after much adversity.当然,或许我帮不上她什麽忙,但我很为她经历过许多逆境之后努力表现得这麽好而感到开心。

8.Many who seem to be struggpng with adversity are happy; many , amid great affluence, are utterly miserable. ---P. C. Tacitus.许多在与逆境奋斗的人似乎是幸福的,而许多在巨大富足中的人则是绝对可怜的。

9.Helen With a strong heart, culminating in the rise of the face of adversity is really no residual physical disabipty blog.海伦凭着一颗坚强的心,最终在逆境中崛起,真是身残志不残。

10.But as with most things, one pragmatic Chinese entrepreneur has found a business opportunity out of adversity.但是就像很多事情一样,有困难的地方就有机遇,中国一位创业者就从中发现了商机。