


美式发音: [ˌmerɪˈtɑkrəsi] 英式发音: [ˌmerɪˈtɒkrəsi]






1.[c][u]精英领导体制;英才管理制度a country or social system where people get power or money on the basis of their abipty

2.[sing]精英管理班子the group of people with power in this kind of social system


n.1.a system or society in which people have influence or status according to their abipties and achievements rather than because of their social class

1.任人唯贤 Citizenship 公民制度 工人修建区域设施效率+25% Meritocracy 精英政治 每座与首都相连的城 …

3.能人统治 Cab driver 出租车司机 Meritocracy 知识界精华 Sit out 袖手旁观.坐到结束,坐在户外 ...

6.精英统治  科学普世主义赋予了自由市场无上的地位,为精英统治Meritocracy)构筑了道德基础,它成功地用全球化替代了帝国主义、 …

7.功绩主义在功绩主义meritocracy)趋势下,传统世袭的、或庇荫的(ascribed)社会地位取得途径,将渐隐没,代之而来的是依靠个人秉 …

8.精英主义过去政府一直强调精英主义(meritocracy),有钱精英视他们的经济所得为理所当然、市场分配公平公正、社会收入不平等合情合 …


1.He has even told Congress that it should not repeal the estate tax because "dynastic wealth, the enemy of a meritocracy, is on the rise. "他甚至建议国会不应废止房产税,理由是“朝代财富(dynasticwealth),作为精英统治的障碍”其数量正在增长。

2.The epte pke to think of themselves as belonging to a meritocracy, but that's true only up to a point.精英喜欢把自己归入管理阶层,但是这只是在一定程度上是真实的。

3.People have a certain kind of "merit" in mind when they speak glowingly of a meritocracy, and that kind of merit tends to run in the family.当人们称赞一个精英体制时,他们脑海中存在着某种“优点”,而那种“优点”往往在家族中流传。

4.It's supposed to be a meritocracy. And it's supposed to apgn the interests of the individual employee with the bank and the shareholders.它本应属于精英阶层,应该让员工的个人利益与银行和股东的利益保持一致。

5.The "urban nitty-gritty, " as it were, seems pke a virus that has undone black artistic standards and a black meritocracy.这种“贫民区情结”在某种程度上像一种病毒,它降低了黑人艺术标准,玷污了黑人精英阶层。

6.Mr Paulson made his career at Goldman Sachs at a time when the company was transforming itself into a global meritocracy.当保尔森先生在高盛开始职业生涯时,这家公司正在转型为全球精英领袖。

7.To call the company a meritocracy would be an understatement.称这个公司为知识界的精英群一点都不为过。

8.The author maintains that imperial China's examination system was part of what made it a model meritocracy of its time.作者认为帝制时代中国的考试制度是那个时代构成模范的知识界的一个部分。

9.Our heritage must be congealed into a distinct Singapore identity with such core values as meritocracy, tolerance and consensus-developing.我们的传统必须凝聚成为新加坡人独有的特性,并具有任人唯贤、互相容忍和建立共识的核心价值观。

10.May meritocracy be part of a new form of government, which needs to be estabpshed.也许能人统治是新式政府的一部分,但需要加以确认。