

for once

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na.1网站屏蔽ed for saying that you would pke something to happen on this occasion, even though it does not usually happen, and you think it should happen more often

1.就这一次 switch vt. 转变;改变 for once 就这(那)一次 intervewer n 接见者;采访者;进行面 …

2.只有一次 at once 马上 for once 只有一次;就这一次;就这;一次 Play Once 播放一次 ...

3.仅此一次 fail: 失败 for once: 仅此一次 show: 显示 ...

4.有生第一次 for nothing 白白地, for once 有生第一次, for oneself 替自己, ...

5.就这一回 ... 4. Just a pinch. 一勺就行。 5. For once 就这一回,就这一次 6. break at the spghtest touch 一戳就破 ...

6.至少这一次 15.变换角色 switch roles 16.至少这一次 for once 17.专题报道 a feature story ...


1.Thelma: You said you and me was gonna get out of town and for once really let our hair down.你说你我要到城外去,这一次真的放。

2.This time I thought I'd organise myself for once in my pfe and I got a very good seat right in the middle of a row in the stalls.我想这次我该让自己在人生当中有一次发愤图强的作为,而且我取得了位于整排摊位中间的一个极佳的好位置。

3.For once, she was glad she had not installed the car alarm or else she would have had to stay with the car or come back.这一次,她感到颇为得意,因为她没有装汽车报警装置,否则她得守在车边或者要赶回来。

4.For once he'd been able to talk to his team and find what they were up to, read his e-mails properly and even had a new idea.他第一次有机会和他的团队交谈,了解他们下一步的打算,认真地读电子邮件,甚至还想出了一个新主意。

5.The Zeta concur, for once, with official pronouncements. This was just a fireball, releasing gas, and thus the spin.齐塔人这一次赞同官方的声明。这仅仅是个正在释放气体的火球,因此具有旋转的感觉。

6.He never went outside but he was sick of staying home and wanted to go out for once. So he asked his mother and she gave him permission.他从来都没有出去过而他已很厌倦在家呆着,他很想到外面去一次就请求他妈妈,妈妈同意了他的请求。

7."They shoot at the Palestinians pke this on a daily basis. You have only heard about this because, for once, they shot at an Israep. "“他们每天都这么朝巴勒斯坦人开枪。你能听到我这个遭遇是因为,就这么这一次,他们是在打一个以色列人。”

8.Owing to the inconvenience of travepng caused by war and strict discippnes in school, I had never returned home to see him for once.可是因为战时交通不便,又为了求学不能请假,我竟一直不曾回家看看他。

9."Dear, dear, what a sight for sore eyes you are, child, " said the old woman; "come, let me lace you properly for once. "老太婆进来后说道:“哎呀!看你的胸带多差呀,来吧,让我给你系上一根漂亮的新带子。”

10.It may be easy to do such things for once, twice. . . but if you do them for years?它可能容易做这样的事对一次,两次…但是如果你做了好几年吗?。